Scout Training with School Students


One of the factors that causes youths to be less interested in becoming Enforcement Scouts is that many of the Enforcement Coaches present their training programs such as in the Raising Training. So that the impression in the eyes of students, enforcement exercises are monotonous and boring. Moreover, those who were active when they were fundraisers were clearly not interested in becoming Enforcers.

This really shouldn't happen. Although there are several training programs that are the same for child raisers and enforcers, for example, how to use a compass, the delivery model and the breadth of content between the raisers and the enforcers are clearly different. For child raisers, the material presented may be limited to an introduction to the compass, its parts and functions, and how to use it practically. But for the children of Enforcers, there will be more, in addition to the material presented in Penggalang, there is more about the history of the origin of the compass, various forms of compasses from the simplest to the most modern, how to choose the type of compass, how to care for it, how to make a good compass. simple. And if necessary, they must also be able to explain and train other people, especially the alert and mobilizing brothers and sisters in using the compass. It would be even better if they could write these things down to form a book. Those who convey the material also do not have to be coaches, but they can discuss with each other from the knowledge and materials they have obtained themselves. So they add to and complement each other. Thus their knowledge of the compass will be wider.

Likewise for other agenda items, the coach should not always deliver, so that it will seem too patronizing. Give way and encouragement to them, especially the board of Ambalan. To be able to convey practice material to his friends. Another way that we can take is to provide problems and questions related to the exercise material. Enforcers are asked to discuss the problem or find answers to these questions by discussing or reading books. If necessary, assign them to contact figures or agencies that clearly control or have something to do with the material.

Thus, students will be aware of their mistakes and quickly return to the right path.
Especially for Ambalan which is still newly established, as a first step the coach must play a lot of roles. Both in providing examples of how to lead the course of training, managing administration as well as in making activity proposals, implementation instructions, evaluations and activity reports. The supervisor must also explain in detail the duties of his Ambalan Council in accordance with the correct provisions.

Thus, it is hoped that the first Ambalan Council will function properly and correctly. This is very important, because usually the next term of office administrators mostly imitate the habits of the previous Ambalan Council. If at first you are used to something that is not good, it is feared that it will become a tradition

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