Sunset Sunday with Liketu: photo collection Nr. 1

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

If you are a regular visitor to my blog, you might remember that I used to publish a golden hour post here almost every Sunday. It usually was just one picture of sunset with some basic write up and a little summary of the past week and the weekend. However, in my last golden hour post that I posted more than a month ago, I announced that some changes to the concept of this photography series of mine would be made to make it a bit more interesting, enjoyable and also decent kind of content. I was thinking about the concept of this series for a while and eventually decided to change it in the following ways...

From now on, this series will be called "Sunset Sunday with Liketu" as I will post it through the Liketu platform. It will no longer be a weekly series. I don´t really want to spam your feed with sunset pictures every week so it will definitely be less frequent (my plan is one Sunset Sunday with Liketu post approximately every 3 or 4 weeks, we will see how it goes). No more photo archive digging. The sunset pictures that you will see in this series from now on will be fresh, taken by me recently so no more photos from holidays taken many years ago. You can also expect multiple sunset pictures in each collection, not just one. They should be the best sunset photos that I have taken since the previous collection. That´s also why the series will not be that frequent. Sometimes, it can take up to several weeks to collect a couple of decent sunset shots, especially during periods of bad, cloudy weather...

So these are the changes that I´m going to implement into what used to be my golden hour photography series from now on. Let´s see how it goes ;) Without further ado, here is the very first post of the series rendered according to the new concept. The following photo collection features 11 sunset shots that I have taken during the past few weeks here in the beautiful Polish city of Krakow, at various places and neighborhoods. I hope you will enjoy them and please let me know what you think of the newly introduced concept of the photo series. Thanks ;)












Thank you for checking out the photos. Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone and have a great start to the new week tomorrow.

Don´t forget to submit your nominations to my latest upvote giveaway where I reward great but undervalued posts and if you like guessing challenges, stay tuned for the next round of my Monday tipping contest where you can win 5 Hive for guessing the price of our beloved crypto ;)

Let me also remind you that I am running a weekly series where you can share your fresh natural photos and win upvotes for that.

You can also check out this post on Liketu, a new photography-based platform built on Hive :)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Sport, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)

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