A cool and beautiful day to go out and relax before starting the housework.

!What a beautiful day¡


Good morning, today I woke up with a lot of spirit so I got up very early ready to relax a little before starting my work at home, a moment of relaxation is not bad, on the contrary it helps us to stay dynamic all day, with cell phone in hand I started my departure for the community where I live, why go to another place when you have a lot to see around you. Observing everything around me and admiring the beauties of nature, which is what most attracts my attention since I am a lover of God's creation, I stumbled upon some beautiful details, such as this flower of the dead, with its beautiful yellow color that enhances the space where it is located.



I continued on my way and I could visualize some more beauties, so I stopped for a moment, taking pictures and capturing each one of them, their vivid colors are great. This one I really don't know what it is called but it impacted me as well as the next one I know it is an orchid and the cayenne.



On my way back home, just before entering the house, my granddaughter came out to meet me, the most beautiful of the flowers, who gladly told me grandmother, can you take a picture of me among your plants, how could I refuse such a beautiful request.


Blessings to all, the photos are my property taken with my Tecno pop 5 cell phone. I hope you will kindly stop by my humble blog and take a look.

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