Christmas Vibes in the Trendy Christmas Market

After eating some Pommes from the regular Christmas Market, we decided to head to the trendy mini-Christmas Market in the very center of the shopping area.
We passed these "Schneeballe" on the way there.
The market, although small, was full of people and there was a good atmosphere with people bopping up and down to the music or to keep warm, I'm not sure.
There were many different types of food available. Very trendy.

It didn't take me long to go back to a Christmas Market as everyone is usually meeting up at the markets each year as a traditional get-together. After first going to the main market and getting some of the special chips, we decided to visit the Trendy Christmas Market where all the cool kids hang out.

Here they have the main stage where last week some really good live music was being played. This week they had a cool DJ set on and it was creating a great atmosphere with many people bopping up and down and acting really cool. Being in this area I immediately felt my coolness increase a few degrees.

They had a few different food options from the main market and were in some cool vehicles. The layout of the market created a cool oasis to hang out in the city. It was not so easy to walk around as it was quite small, but there were plenty of places you could stand and grab a mulled wine.

I took a selfie with the DJ and was going to introduce myself as a Hive Blogger but the music was a bit loud for chatting. Generally, the market this evening was busy but much less busy than the previous week, so it was nice to be able to enjoy some food and drink without it being too rammed like in Frankfurt.

Credits : All photos are my own.

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