Pressklubben – Belgisk ölrestaurang (Belgian beer restaurant) in Stockholm - 03052022


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Belgian food and beer (ベルギー料理とビール)

Last weekend, Sambo's mom and dad came to visit us in Stockholm and we decided to eat out for the first time in a while.

After much consideration about where to eat, we chose this restaurant called Pressklubben, which has a reputation for good food.

I have not gone out to eat at all since moving to Sweden. Eating out, which is something I can easily do in Japan, feels like a bit of an event in Sweden, we only do when we have some guests over.

So I was looking forward to eating at this restaurant.

I chose the cod meunière with gnocchi from the menu.

And, I chose this Belgian, in the pic! Oh, so tasty! Loved it so much! The bread was also very good and I ate enough to fill me up.

Dessert was made with cloudberries, a Swedish fruit, which was very tasty with cheese. It was pretty tasty! I would highly recommend this dish!

And last but not least, I had a Grappa! I remember every time I went on a business trip to Italy, my colleagues would ask for a shot glass of grappa and have it put in their expresso cups after they drank theirs. (One of my colleagues explained that he would usually put extra sugar in his expresso cup, so that he could drink it with grappa. An expresso flavored sweet grappa!😄👍) And, one of my colleagues said, "In Italy, we drink an expresso, then a grappa, then go to work..." Well, I guess that he was just joking and wanted to have a shot before we had a big meeting with customers! LOL! 😂🤩😄👍👍



どこに食べに行くかいろいろと検討した結果、料理がおいしいと評判のこのPressklubben と言うレストランを選びました。

スウェーデンに引っ越ししてから全然行かなくなった外食。。。 日本では気軽に行ける外食も、スウェーデンではお客さんが来た時に行くちょっとしたイベントのような気分になります。


久しぶりの外食だから、何か特別なものを食べたい! 家では魚を全然食べなくなったから、タラのムニエルとニョッキの添え付けを選びました。

ビールはもちろん、ベルギービールを選択! パンもすごくおいしくて、思わずおかわりを頼みたかったのですが、その「関西のノリ」はなんとか心にとどめておきました。

デザートはスウェーデンの果実である、クラウドベリーを使用したデザートで、チーズと合わせて食べるととても美味しかったです。 口に甘みと酸味が一緒に広がり、これはかなりお勧めの料理です!

そして、最後にGrappaを飲みました! イタリアに出張に行くたびに、同僚がエクスプレッソを飲んだ後に、Grappaを頼んでエクスプレッソのカップに入れてもらって飲んでいたのを思い出しました。 同僚曰く、「イタリアではエクスプレッソを飲んだ後にGrappaを飲んで、仕事に行くんだー」と言ってたけど、彼はただ、顧客とミーティング前の景気づけにいっぱい飲んだのかなぁ?って今では思います。 ( ´艸`)


🥦Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦

😍 @luvshares 😍 #luv 😍

by @doze 🍯🐝🍯🐝


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