Arranging Wildflowers Picked from the Wheatfield


Hello everyone!

Am glad to be back in this community and I'm really happy to be here again. I hope all of you are doing fine. I am sharing with you flowers....wildflowers to be exact. I never thought I would walk under the heat, because it was 32°C today and I decided to take my walk after lunch. The heat was bearable though, but I forgot to bring along with me a towel. Darn, I was soaking wet from the perspiration, lol! This post is about the wildflower arrangement I made from flowers I picked along the way on my way back home.

At any rate, during this walk, I saw many wildflowers left and right along the pathway I was threading. I am glad that the wild plants are back because the area had been mowed a month ago. There was nothing on the field as all wild grass and plants were wiped out. It was just sad that the habitat of the insects was gone. The farmers always do it each year after harvesting the wheatfields. At any rate, the plants and the flowers are growing back and the insects, the bugs, bees and butterflies are back too. And so, since the wildflowers are in abundance, I picked a few and brought them home. There was no shortage of wildflowers for the bees to sip as the flowers were so plenty. The bees, birds and butterflies can still help in the pollination. And so I went back with elan, though tired from the heat but happy I shed calories from the physical walk.

That would be for today ... I hope you like my wildflower arrangement, have a great weekend ahead!

See you soon!

All images are owned by the author, @mers
Keep safe!

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