[ESP/ENG] un lindo día 💕| a nice day.


coloque un jean ancho clarito, un top rosa con unas botas blancas. Me maquillé como lo suelo hacer “corrector de ojeras, polvo suelto y traslúcido, blush, pestañina y gloss) termine como a las 6:50 porque tenía que ir bajando a la universidad, cuando llegue me fui a comprar un té caliente para que se me pasaran los nervios antes del examen “era un té de manzanilla” mientras me lo tomaba llegaron mis amigos para irnos a estudiar en la biblioteca. Se hicieron los 9:30 y ya era hora de presentar, nos fuimos al salón y nos sentamos, el examen estuvo un poco complicado, fueron 40 preguntas, dure una hora y media presentando. Luego de presentar mi papá me fue a buscar para llevarme a la casa, llegue y lo primero que hice fue almorzar y descansar un poco. Luego de eso un amigo me invito al centro comercial para ir al bowling y almorzar ahí mismo, fue una tarde genial. Me gusto mucho porque así pude desestresarme un poco de todo lo que he pasado con los parciales. Espero que les haya gustado y se hayan entretenido ❤️❤️ los quiero mucho.

Wear light wide jeans, a pink top with white boots. I did my makeup like I usually do (dark circle concealer, loose and translucent powder, blush, eyelashes and gloss) I finished around 6:50 because I had to go down to the university, when I got there I went to buy a hot tea so that it would My nerves went away before the exam “it was a chamomile tea” while I was drinking it my friends arrived to go study in the library. It was 9:30 and it was time to present, we went to the living room and sat down, the exam was a little complicated, there were 40 questions, it took an hour and a half presenting. After presenting, my dad went to pick me up to take me home, I arrived and the first thing I did was have lunch and rest a little. After that, a friend invited me to the mall to go bowling and have lunch right there, it was a great afternoon. I really liked it because that way I was able to de-stress a little from everything I've been through with the midterms. I hope you liked it and were entertained ❤️❤️ I love you very much.

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