Moment Kodak


Friends of Liketu, here again, I send kisses to all of you.

Today Friday I am in a great mood and I have dedicated myself to make a different moment face, something I have called "The Kodak Moment".
Maybe some of you don't understand the reference (I dropped my identity card).

But Kodak cameras were the best cameras of the 90s' and their advertising slogan was that all moments could be "Kodak moments" and today in honor of them and how beautiful the day is I have brought you my "Moment Kodak".

I hope you are having a nice day and all my good vibes, kisses!!!!!

Spanish Version

Amigos de Liketu, de nuevo por aquí, les mando besitos a todos

Hoy viernes estoy de un excelente humor y me he dedicado a realizar un moment face distinto, algo que he llamado "El moment Kodak"
Quizas algunos no entiendan la referencia (se me ha caido la tarjeta de identidad)

Pero las camaras Kodak eran las mejores camaras fotograficas de los 90s´ y su slogan publitario era que todos los momentos podían ser "momentos kodak" y hoy en honor a ellos y a lo hermoso que está el día les he traido mi "Moment Kodak"

Espero esten teniendo un lindo día y todas mis buenas vibras, besos!!!

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