Easter full of chocolate


Easter Sunday has arrived and in many countries it is celebrated with the search for chocolate eggs, a tradition that we don't have in Venezuela, but that when we emigrated to Argentina we started to enjoy at home.

Here we don't look for them, we just buy them and share them on Sunday between adults and children.

The stores for two weeks were already fully stocked and it was inevitable to stand in the windows to see them and choose which one we would like to receive.

As the country's economy is on the rise with inflation that is slowly increasing, of course this product is not exempt from it, however, the joy on the children's faces is worth the effort to at least bring them one.

Happy Easter to all of you and I hope that even if you don't have chocolate at home, you will still receive this day with the greatest joy.

Llegamos al domingo de Pascua y en muchos países se celebra con la búsqueda de los huevos de chocolate, una tradición que en Venezuela no tenemos, pero que al emigrar a Argentina empezamos a disfrutar en la casa.

Aquí no se buscan, solo se compran y se comparten el domingo entre adultos y chicos.

Las tiendas desde hace dos semanas ya estaban completamente surtidas y era inevitable pararse en las vidrieras a verlos y escoger cual nos gustaría recibir.

Como la economía del país está en alza con una inflación que de a poco va en aumento, por supuesto que este producto no queda excento de ello, sin embargo, la alegría en la cara de los niños, vale el esfuerzo de por lo menos llevarles uno.

Felices pascuas para todos y espero que aunque no tengan chocolate en casa, igual reciban este día con la mayor alegría.

Fotos tomadas por | Photos taken by @mamemigrante

Dispositivo | Device | Moto e5

Traducción con | Translation with| DeepL

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