Ptica i dijamant


Odmah da se ogradim,nisam nikakva umetnicka dusa ali volim da crtam dok razgovaram telefonom i uvek ispadne neki crtez koji obicno ne cuvam jer nema neku vrednost, sluzi samo za smirenje. Ovu sam sacuvala jer je spontano nastala ptica sa dijamantom, bar je ja tako vidim.Ah da dodam i to da je moj unuk obojao po svom ukusu i to me cini posebno radosnom da bih cuvala nase ipak bih rekla umetnicko delo. Volela bih da podelite sa nama vase misljenje i vidjenje ove slike.

I'm not an artistic person, but I like to draw while talking on the phone, and I always end up with a drawing that I usually don't save because it doesn't have any value, it's just for calming down. I saved this one because a bird with a diamond was spontaneously created, at least that's how I see it. Oh, and I should also add that my grandson colored it according to his taste, and that makes me especially happy that if I kept ours, I would still call it a work of art. I would like you to share your opinion and view of this picture.

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