Index4INDEX Card 148: Confucius 3

A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it is committing another mistake.

-- Confucius

About the Quote

We all make mistakes. What we don't want to do is make the same mistake twice. Repeating the same mistake repeatedly is a sign of lack of care or concern in oneself. It's also a sign of lack of discipline and ability to learn and to grow.

Mistakes can be seen as opportunities to grow, but lessons need to be learned first from the mistakes. If lessons aren't learned, then mistakes will be repeated.

Some Information about Confucius

Early ancestors of Confucius were Kongs from the state of Song. This was an aristocratic family which had produced several important counselors to rulers of the state of Song.

By the time Confucius had been born, the family had lost not only its political standing but also whatever wealth it had in the state of Song. Confucius' great-grandfather and other members of the Kong family had relocated to the state of Lu, where there started over.

The men of the Lu-based Kong family (into which Confucius had been born) were common gentlemen. This meant they had no hereditary entitlements or privileges their Song-based ancestors had. Unlike other common folk, common gentlemen can boast of military or administrative service thanks to their education in the Six Arts: ritual, music, archery, charioteering, writing, and arithmetic.

-- Source

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