Index4INDEX Card 290: Ken Blanchard 1

None of us is as smart as all of us.

-- Ken Blanchard

For more about Ken Blanchard, keep reading....


About the Quote

No one knows everything. Even the smartest people we know are limited in their knowledge: they know a lot about a little; they know a litle about a lot; or they know some things about some things. People we may consider dumb or stupid may actually be intelligent, but we never ask them about what they know (only about what they don't know).

If all of us are assigned the task of solving some problem, the solution to that problem is expected to be found in the sum total knowledge assembled. Even then the solution isn't guaranteed to be correct due to factors unrelated to knowledge; in that case, we expect to find an alternate solution much faster. It's one of the reasons for the push in artificial intelligence: researching the stores of all combined knowledge databases.


Some Information about Ken Blanchard

Kenneth Blanchard was born in Orange, New Jersey, US on 1939-May-6.

Ken Blanchard is an entrepreneur, business consultant, and author. He is best known as one of the authors of the book The One-Minute Manager.

Blanchard graduated from Cornell University in 1961 with a bacehelor's degree is political science and philosophy. In 1963 he earned his master's degree in sociology from Colgate University. To this day Blanchard is a visiting professor at Cornell University, where he is also an emeritus trustee.

Blanchard has either authored or co-authored 60 books. Among his more famous books are Big Bucks (2000), Gung Ho! (1998), and Raving Fans (1993). One of his most successful books is The One-Minute Manager, which he co-wrote with Spencer Johnson. Over the years, 15 million copies of The One-Minute Manager have been sold.

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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