Index4INDEX Card 252: Unknown 8

Do not wait for the perfect time and place to enter, for you are already onstage.

-- Unknown

For more about "Unknown", keep reading....


About the Quote

For many things in life-- even the most important such as being a spouse or a parent (or both)-- the best time to become one is now. If we wait for perfect conditions, such as a better-paying job, or acquiring some big-ticket item, or moving to a new locale, there is a very good chance we will never do the thing we say we want to do.

In this sense, life is like financial markets: the time to enter a market is always now. It may suck to pay USD 70K/BTC or USD 4K/ETH, but if we wait for prices to drop they may fall in such a way that we never see those prices again for nearly a decade. This is what happened with the price of 1 troy ounce of gold when it reached USD 1900/ozT in 2011. So we enter the market at whatever price, then we take the hit on losses in the bear market portion of the market cycle with the expectation that the bull market portion of the market cycle. Along the way we stack during the bear market so that whatever losses we incurred are more than recovered when the buls return.

There is no perfect time for us to do anything, especially the major things in life. So we proceed as best as we can and make adjustments over time.


Some (More) Information about "Unknown"

"Unknown" is named after the place of birth we know as Parts Unknown. This region, not to be confused with other regions such as the Uncharted Territories or the Twilight Zone, is best known as the native land of many professional wrestlers.

Just as difficult to determine is the date of birth. It could be any date within human history. It could be any date in human pre-history. It could be any date spanning the existence of ancestors of our species, homo sapiens. It could even be some date in the futues should "Unknown" be revealed to be a time traveler. We just don't know.

What we can be sure of is that "Unknown" is a prolific quoter. "Unknown" keeps cranking out the hits, especially the pithy quotes. We can also be sure that we will see more quotes from "Unknown" in the future.

Not even Artificial Generative Intelligence, or AGI-- of which ChatGPT is the most notorious example-- can determine the place of birth and birth date for "Unknown."

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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