[ENG-ESP]I have in my favor the faith that sustains me/Tengo a mi favor la fe que me sostiene


Welcome to my blog my dear people of #liketu I hope you are well 馃槉馃檹 .
Happy to share a new content 馃槉 over here

I have in my favor the faith that sustains me. The faith that casts out disappointments, doubts and any kind of fear. The faith that moves mountains that stops storms that opens doors that lifts that accompanies starting over. That tells me: Don't Give Up!! There is still much to sow, reap and enjoy. Waking up every morning is a gift and every scent and every color is a gift. Feeling loved and having loyal friends is a gift. Every landscape, every cloud, every poem and every song is a gift.
The sea and the breeze on your face are a gift. A rainy day is a gift, sunny days are a gift and every gesture, every hug. Each look is a gift, each sigh and each emotion, each new day and each minute and each instant.
It's a gift every heartbeat
heart 鉂わ笍.

Well friends I hope and it is of your interest and it pleased me until the next time.

My photos were taken with my Redmi note 10 pro max phone.

Author maggie22.

Bienvenidos a m铆 blog m铆 querida gente de #liketu espero y est茅n bien 馃槉馃檹 .
Feliz de compartir un nuevo contenido 馃槉 por aqu铆

Tengo a mi favor la fe que me sostiene.La fe que echa fuera decepciones dudas y cualquier tipo de temor. La fe que mueve monta帽as que detiene tormentas que abre puertas que levanta que acompa帽a a volver a comenzar.Que me dice: No Te Rindas!! A煤n hay mucho por sembrar cosechar y disfrutar.Despertar cada ma帽ana es un regalo y es un regalo cada aroma y cada color.Es un regalo sentirse querido y tener un amigos leales Es un regalo..cada paisaje cada nube cada poema y cada canci贸n.
Es un regalo el mar y la brisa en tu cara.Es un regalo un d铆a de lluvia son un regalo los d铆as de sol y cada gesto,cada abrazo. Es un regalo cada mirada cada suspiro y cada emoci贸n, cada nuevo d铆a y cada minuto y cada instante.
Es un regalo cada latido del
coraz贸n 鉂わ笍.

Bueno amigos espero y les sea de su Inter茅s y agrad贸 hasta m铆 pr贸xima vez.

Mis fotos fueron tomadas con mi tel茅fono Redmi note 10 pro max.

Autor maggie22.

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