Bicycle designed by Mr. Alfredo with recycled material... I liked his creativity...//Bicicleta diseñada por el Sr. Alfredo con material reciclado... Me gusto su creatividad...


Hola a todos mis queridos amigos de hive en esta oportunidad me siento muy complacida de compartir con ustedes el seguimiento que le he venido realizando a un señor que miraba casi siempre por la via y su medio para transportarse era algo particular por esto quise que en la comunidad liketu apreciaran esta maravilla...

Hello to all my dear hive friends, on this occasion I feel very pleased to share with you the follow-up that I have been doing to a man who almost always looked down the road and his means of transportation was something particular, which is why I wanted that in the liketu community will appreciate this wonder...


Salgo todos los días temprano de mi hogar para mi trabajo y 2 o 3 veces por la semana veo muy temprano pasar a un señor mayor en una bicicleta , la primera impresión que tuve al verlo hace unas semanas atras, fue guaooo es bonita y diferente esa bici... de donde la sacaria, imagine que algún familiar se la regalo

I leave home early every day for my work and 2 or 3 times a week I see an old man pass by very early on a bicycle, the first impression I had seeing him a few weeks ago, was wow, that's beautiful and different bike... where would you get it from, imagine that a family member gave it to you

Una de estas mañanas pasa el señor y varias personas mas que estaban en la parada esperando bus igual que yo comentaron el señor Alfredo si inventa... este comentario llamo mi atención y me meti en la conversación , pregunte quien es ese señor y alli comenzo la parte mas increible de todo esto

One of these mornings the man passed by and several other people who were at the bus stop waiting for the bus, just like me, Mr. Alfredo commented if he was making up... this comment caught my attention and I got into the conversation, I asked who that man is and that's where it started the most incredible part of all this

El señor que pasa casi todos lo dias en esta extraña bicicleta diseña sus medios de transporte, asi como lo leen y no solo bicicletas la señora que me decia esto tambien lo ha visto en un carrito que fue diseñado por el ... yo no lo podia creer asi que en lo que llego la camioneta subi a ella y solo pensaba que debia conseguir a este señor para conversar un poco con el sobre sus inventos

The man who spends almost every day on this strange bicycle designs his means of transport, just as you read it and not only bicycles, the lady who told me this has also seen it on a cart that was designed by him... I don't I could believe that as soon as the truck arrived I got into it and I only thought that I should get this man to talk a little with him about his inventions


Pasaron algunos dias y lo vi, rapidamente me le acerque y comence a hablar con el , el señor ciertamente menciona que tiene 2 bicicletas y un carrito a pedal diseñado por el, cuando comence a detallar la bicicleta note que el material que este señor utiliza es material reciclable, tenia tantos deseos de saber mas y mas que le hice muchas preguntas , me sorprendio que tiene 72 años y en el transcurso de su vida ha diseñado un sin fin de cosas puede transformar cualquier artefacto silla o mueble que ya este inservible en algo renovado nuevo y creativo, me dijo si me consigues los materiales te hago una bicicleta para que vayas a trabajar por que siempre te veo esperando transporte para ir a tu trabajo...

A few days passed and I saw him, I quickly approached him and started talking to him, the man certainly mentions that he has 2 bicycles and a pedal cart designed by him, when I began to detail the bicycle I noticed that the material that this man uses is recyclable material, I wanted so much to know more and more that I asked him many questions, I was surprised that he is 72 years old and in the course of his life he has designed endless things he can transform any chair or furniture artifact that is already useless into something renovated new and creative, he told me if you get me the materials I'll make you a bicycle so you can go to work because I always see you waiting for transportation to go to work...


En cuanto a la fabricación de esta bicicleta el señor Alfredo menciona que puede hacerla y tenerla pintada y todo en 5 semanas por que se enfoca en cada detalle y antes de salir a sitios lejanos primero le realiza algunas pruebas, una vez que verifica que la bicicleta quedo bien realiza recorridos diarios largos a otros municipios de su localidad

Regarding the manufacture of this bicycle, Mr. Alfredo mentions that he can make it and have it painted and all in 5 weeks because he focuses on every detail and before going to distant places he first performs some tests, once he verifies that the bicycle I look good, he makes long daily trips to other municipalities in his locality.

Mi otra curiosidad resuelta es el tiempo que utiliza diario para diseñar estos medios de transporte y luego que tantas horas al dia sale a realizar su recorrido matutino, a lo que me repondio que cuando se dedica a fabricar puede iniciar su jornada a las 8 am luego descansa de 12 a 1pm y continua trabajando hasta las 6 pm una vez que finaliza la bicicleta utiliza dias intermedios para salir a utilizarla y pedalea desde las 6 y 30 am y retorna a su hogar a las 10 y 30 es decir que realiza recorridos de 4 horas entre la ida y el retorno

My other solved curiosity is the time he spends daily to design these means of transport and then how many hours a day he goes out to make his morning journey, to which he replied that when he is dedicated to manufacturing he can start his day at 8 am then He rests from 12:00 to 1:00 pm and continues working until 6:00 pm Once the bicycle is finished, he uses intermediate days to go out and use it and pedals from 6:30 am and returns home at 10:30 am, that is, he does 4-hour trips. hours between departure and return


Otro aspecto que note importante es que el estado de salud de este señor esta de maravilla y claro pense enseguida una persona de 72 años para mantenerse activo y realizar tantas actividades diarias debe mantener el cuerpo y la mente ocupada, y es que pedalear una bicicleta por 4 horas la verdad pocos tienen esa resistencia, el señor Alfredo menciona que si debe salir al centro de la ciudad lo hace en su medio de transporte y a medida que pasea , se distrae y cumple con el mandado del dia , regresa y por las tardes se pone su delantal de repostero y prepara unas ricas tortas que me ofrecio probar para la proxima vez que lo vea...

Another important aspect that I note is that this man's state of health is wonderful and of course I immediately thought that a 72-year-old person to stay active and carry out so many daily activities must keep the body and mind busy, and that is that pedaling a bicycle for 4 hours the truth is that few have that resistance, Mr. Alfredo mentions that if he has to go to the center of the city he does it in his means of transport and as he walks, he gets distracted and fulfills the errand of the day, he returns and in the afternoons he He puts on his pastry chef's apron and prepares some delicious cakes that he offered me to try for the next time I see him...

Mi queridos amigos espero les haya gustado tanto como a mi este maravilloso invento del señor Alfredo y quedamos en que para el proximo encuentro me mostrara su carrito de pedal, no me queda mas que agradecer por leer y nos estaremos escribiendo pronto.

My dear friends, I hope you liked this wonderful invention of Mr. Alfredo as much as I did and we agreed that for the next meeting he will show me his pedal cart, I have nothing left to do but thank you for reading and we will be writing to each other soon.
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