Starting every morning with Coffee & Hive


Hello #Liketu, Hello #Hive ❤️

Just posting an image of our daily rutine. Coffee and Hive.

Monday to Friday @minigunner starts his job in a caffee. Orders a small Americano, opens his Laptop and checks @Coldbeetrootsoup's Hive, social media and what everyone else is posting.

Some people are very curious and ask what Hive is, meaning that just by sitting down with some Hive stickers all over the laptop, a Hive mousepad, and a T-shirt with the Hive logo does attract attention.

So! You want to do this as well? Join Hive and Liketu meetups in your country and ask for some merch.

Also checkout @buzzparty where you can find Hivians in your city. Join their Discord and use their Hivers Search Tool.

Don't forget to also join our #Community on Discord:

join the soup.jpg

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