Día de entrenamiento y Navidad// Training Day ando Christmas


¡Hola, queridos amigos! Espero se encuentren muy bien. Ayer 15-11-23 en el gimnasio hice la rutina de entrenamiento de hombros y tríceps, estuvo bastante buena, y luego esperé la clase de **Knockout**, me gusta mucho aunque apenas es mi tercera clase, las secciones de ayer fueron tres, separadas las hicimos bien pero al momento de unirlas siempre nos equivocamos en algo jajaja! Sin embargo, me distraje bastante y me reí con casa cosa loca que hacía en instructor, ayer estaba bastante divertido. Las amigas de mi hermana me invitaron a un centro comercial porque iban a comprar unas cosas, aprovechamos de tomarnos unas fotos con Santa Claus, pues era el encendido de luces, el Santa Claus era más chiquito que nosotras 🙈 creo que estamos bastante grande para eso jajaja! Sin embargo, yo me disfruto eso y aprovecho de sacar mi niño interno, de vez en cuando es bueno.
**English version**
Hello, dear friends! I hope they are fine. Yesterday 11-15-23 at the gym I did the shoulder and triceps training routine, it was pretty good, and then I waited for the **knockout** class, I really like it although it is only my third class, the sections of Yesterday there were three, separately we did them well but when we put them together we always made something wrong hahaha! However, I got quite distracted and laughed at the crazy thing I was doing as an instructor, yesterday I was quite funny. My sister's friends invited me to a shopping center because they were going to buy some things, we took the opportunity to take some photos with Santa Claus, because it was the lights on, Santa Claus was smaller than us 🙈 I think we're big enough for that ha ha ha! However, I enjoy that and I take advantage of bringing out my inner child, from time to time it is good.
Fotografías: iPhone 12 Fotografías con logo: autoría del instructor Traductor: Google.
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