Supernatural uplaftment


DAY: 3
And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: yea, the work of our hands establish thou the work of our hands upon us: yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. Psalms 90:17.
To be connected to God is to be beautified in life.
Child of God, you are designed for greatness as I welcome you to DAY: 3
And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: yea, the work of our hands establish thou the work of our hands upon us: yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. Psalms 90:17.
To be connected to God is to be beautified in life.

The Lord shall beautify your life, family, ministry, career and business forever. It is not possible to approach the throne of grace and not be beautiful in life. You can’t serve God and represent devil on earth. Whenever you appear in Zion, the aroma of beauty will always surround you. The beauty of the Lord impart attraction upon your life and all you do. The beauty of the Lord guarantee access. Doors open unto you on its accord without struggle. Undeniable favour follows you everywhere you go in life.

What are the secret of God’s beauty?

  1. Worship: Psalms 29:2 says, give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Learn to worship God by lifting up your hands daily to him. Use your voice to praise him for He delight in it.
  2. Holiness: Psalms 29:2. You must live in holiness for God to beautify you. God cannot beautify you when you are living in sin.
  3. The sanctuary of God. Psalms 96:6. Always make yourself available as God’s place of rest and dwelling for him to beautify you. You must set yourself apart for God’s use because he does not dwell in iniquity. Is your body the temple of the most high God? Check yourself.
  4. The presence of God. 1Samuel 16:18. Make demand of God’s presence to enable you attract his beauty. Remain great forever. voice of greatness devotion. The Lord shall beautify your life, family, ministry, career and business forever. It is not possible to approach the throne of grace and not be beautiful in life. You can’t serve God and represent devil on earth. Whenever you appear in Zion, the aroma of beauty will always surround you. The beauty of the Lord impart attraction upon your life and all you do. The beauty of the Lord guarantee access. Doors open unto you on its accord without struggle. Undeniable favour follows you everywhere you go in life.
    What are the secret of God’s beauty?
  5. Worship: Psalms 29:2 says, give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Learn to worship God by lifting up your hands daily to him. Use your voice to praise him for He delight in it.
  6. Holiness: Psalms 29:2. You must live in holiness for God to beautify you. God cannot beautify you when you are living in sin.
  7. The sanctuary of God. Psalms 96:6. Always make yourself available as God’s place of rest and dwelling for him to beautify you. You must set yourself apart for God’s use because he does not dwell in iniquity. Is your body the temple of the most high God? Check yourself.
  8. The presence of God. 1Samuel 16:18. Make demand of God’s presence to enable you attract his beauty. Remain great forever.

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