Supernatural supply


As a child of God, you are designed for greatness. Welcome to today’s voice of greatness devotion with Jehovah Jireh the great provider and supplier of good things. The disciples of Jesus did not lack anything good in their time because they were me men who understand the language of giving and sacrifice. You can’t be a giver and lack good things in life. The Holy Spirit is the wind that supply blessing.
Question: How does the Holy Ghost (the wind) facilitate supernatural supply?

  1. By inspiration of divine idea. Job 32:8. When you carry the spirit of God, you can’t miss your way in life. The wind of God impact on people inspiration, divine idea and wisdom.
  2. By divine revelation: Matthew: 16:17, Deuteronomy 29:29. Revelation is a door way to blessedness. Overflow travels in the direction of revelation. Revelation is a magnet of reality. The depth in your heart determines the wealth in your hands.
  3. By divine impartation of grace to release sacrifice or giving: Acts 2:44-45. Until the Holy Ghost gives you the grace to receive, the power to release does not exist. May the Holy Spirit rest upon you this season and supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Remain great as you swim in overflow and surplus in Jesus name.
    Remember this: The limit of your wisdom and divine idea is the limit of your overflow.

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