I4I #12 - Stay the Course


One of the key things in my personal growth is to learn how to remain true to the paths, that I have chosen to pursue. Nothing is more disheartening than going all in on something and stepping away and feeling the disappointment knowing you were so close to moving that needle towards SUCCESS and walked away too soon.

When you aspire to be an entrepreneur and have dealt with losses based on impatience and remain that way, that will result in disaster at every turn.

Now, I haven't reached anywhere near my aspirations on that front. Luckily, my decision to maintain a path of patience in my health and fitness journey taught me a lot of lessons and one of those hardcore lessons and probably the hardest is staying the course towards your goals.

I didn't suddenly lose 60 to 80 pounds overnight. I didn't run my first 12 miles per hour on the treadmill my first week. I didn't deadlift my first set of 60 pound dumbells my first month. There are countless of metrics in High Intensity Interval Training sessions in a fitness studio and running 5K's, 10K's and Half Marathons outside, in a couple of situations, on sand or terrain where none of it is easy right off the bat.

All of that takes time.

That mindset along with sticking to platforms like CLICK.TRACK.PROFIT that got me here on HIVE.

I now treat my journey on HIVE as I do with my health and fitness. There will be bumps on the road and challenges along the way, but as the late legend, that I chose for this post, quote says:

**Stay the course. When thwarted, try again; harder; smarter. Persevere relentlessly. **
-John Wooden


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