We're getting older but totally young in heart


It's been a while that we didn't see each other with Phoebe Jan, one of my 3 decades friend. She's also busy with her partner. Then the other day her partner been travelled already at Taiwan for a job. By the way her partner is a lesbian, it's Tanya.

However when I tell Phoebe Jan that I'll visit her, oh my! She's very happy hahaha. I was laughing when she tell me "wow it's miracle". For the past few days our weather is really hot that I don't want to go out lol. My laziness really attacks me hahaha.

Apparently I buyed some banana turon for our snacks the Phoebe Jan make some iced tea for our drinks. The bonding we had that day is full of laughters. We reminisce some of our moments when we were young but now we're in 40's now lol😁. Time flies so fast that were getting older but totally young in heart.

Don't forget to smile everyday that even we have a lot of trials in life but we keep surviving the battle. Be happy despite of everything.

Bye bye for now and have a pleasant evening to everyone🤗...

August 8,2023
10:23 pm

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