I am a proud daughter of fisherfolks | An Inspiring Journey


Exactly 5 years ago today, I was able to turn my dreams of getting a college diploma turned into reality. I never thought that all my struggles will be an INSPIRATION to everyone most especially to the young generation of today. Poverty indeed is never a hindrance to succeed, but rather a stepping stone for greater things in life. I owe everything to God.

This was exactly my inspiring message 5 years ago when I learned that I made it this far.....

Villamejor, Regine C.
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts & Commerce major in Communication and Marketing (A.B. in LIACOM)
Proud daughter of a fisherman & a fish vendor

My mother would always tell me that EDUCATION is the only treasure that they could pass on to us. They were not given the chance to fulfill their own dreams before, but they would really do everything to give us a brighter future. These words from my mother serves as my inspiration in chasing for my dreams.

It was not so long ago when my college journey began. I entered the portals of University of San Jose- Recoletos with nothing more than a dream. A dream for myself and for my family. And today, I stand as a survivor wearing my best outfit (my graduation toga) armed with values, skills, and knowledge to bring me closer to the real world. This is an achievement that my parents and I have truly earned after all the pain and sacrifices that we've been through. There were times wherein I was about to give up, but I learned not to be afraid and to move forward, because I know that God is just right beside me all the time.

I want to thank my mentors for being a good example from whom I learned a lot. To my relatives, friends, close friends, treasured friends and to all the people who are part of this success, THANK YOU for always motivating me to chase for my dreams no matter what.
And to my parents, WE MADE IT! ☺💖Thank you so much for not giving up on me. Most of all, I the Almighty God, the creator and originator of everything in this world for constantly guiding me throughout my journey.

To all the people who will be reached by this inspiring message, never stop chasing your dreams. Where there is love, passion and determination, you can never go wrong. Just be optimistic, no matter how complicated the situation may be. Being optimistic would help you get out of the bumpy road mostly during the times that you nearly want to give up. Most importantly, no matter where life takes you, keep your feet grounded and always have the sense of character in you because it would surely bring you to the best destinations.

God bless us all and Adelante!☺

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