Of Fish & Aquariums at Taste & Cups

Pygocentrus Nattereri or Red-Bellied Piranha
Two Red-Bellied Piranha and a Parrot Cichlid seem to be on a synchronized swimming!
Do you think they know their pictures are being taken? LOL!
A beautiful Blood-Red Parrot Cichlid
I wonder what it is trying to say :)
It's fun to swim eh!
More of them.
Some more of them. Others in darker golden colors.

We were at the Taste & Cups on Friday evening. It's a new kid in the block which we discovered while driving along the Pico - Lamtang Rd in search for a place to have dinner. That part of town seems to be expanding fast that in a matter of a year, there are new establishments (mostly restaurants) being opened and Taste & Cups by Joanna C is just one of them. We've noticed some more in that vicinity and people do flock the area judging from the parking spaces filled with cars.

Anyway, the building has a rough finish but the resto is already bustling and fully operational on the second and third floor. It is huge and it even has a play area for kids. It probably is an added attraction for families with young children which we noticed make up the majority of that evening's customers.

The biggest group we've seen was mom's cousin and her whole clan. I didn't really count but I think there were 30 of them including the kids and they occupied 8 regular tables (one table is good for 4 persons)😅

The restaurant being full at that time of day made us think out loud that despite the inflation and all, people still have money to splurge for a dine out and entertainment. We observed the same thing when we had lunch at the mall that same day.

We initially opted for the vacant table by the spacious veranda to gaze at the moon but then it was cold and windy so we went back in. The dinner was nothing fancy but good. We then spent some time chitchatting to finish our drinks before we decided to leave.

And as the husband settled the bill, I had some wee time conversing with the fish on the aquariums by the wall on the way out.

Below is just a portion of the aquarium and forgive me for the bad photo haha! Was feeling shy to take another shot when there were people passing by.

It was fascinating to watch the fish swim in the tanks. It seemed as though they were on a show as I took their photographs. For a moment, I even imagined they were doing some acrobatics and I was there to record their moves, lol!

Curious about what variety of fish they were, I consulted GL and found out that the larger ones are called Pygocentrus Nattereri or Red-Bellied Piranha (I'm not very sure though as they look identical to that of the Black-Spot Cariba and the Black-Tail Piranha).

Then of course the Parrot Cichlid (4th photo) which according to Wiki,, the first of which was bred in Taiwan around 1986. "Their natural colors are red, yellow, and grey. Other colors are injected by breeders." - Source

The husband joined me afterwards and took these shots of the wall fountain and the LED signage which was adjacent to the fish tanks. And nope, those adornments are artificial plants which I wished were real.

We never had an aquarium in our house so it's was quite fun to have played with the fish there.

So what about the place?

It is just okay but not really recommended if one prefers a more quiet and tranquil space and atmosphere.

Photos are my own. 06022023/09:30ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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