Marshmallow Pops & Baby Z

Oh la la! Marshmallow Pops, anyone?
His and Hers...
One more shot...
The box of temptation, lol!
Another set brought out for a photo opp while the car's running.

I have a sweet tooth and so as the husband. Our usual treats when going out of the house are either coned ice cream or anything sweet (except donuts though) - the recent ones for instance, are these milk & dark chocolate-dipped marshmallows with sprinkles - let us call them marshmallow or mallow pops. Them being on small sticks reminded me of the Lollipop (sugared) candies we used to enjoy when we were kids. We still do have them once in a while even to this day.

I guess that's our way of giving in to our inner child, hehe!

Anyway, the weather was fabulous when we were taking Dad to their home on Sunday, coming from the hospital where we stayed for 3 days and 3 nights (my brother attended to him on the first night). He suffered from hypertension, some chills, and a stomach infection. Thankfully, he got better so he was discharged sooner.

En route to their place, we stopped by the fruit shop for some bananas and other fruits when my cravings got the best of me after noticing the boxes of colorful sweets displayed on the counter.

"Don't even think about it," I heard the voice inside my head when I was about to pick one up. "Hmmm, it's hot today so these things will melt inside the car," I found myself reasoning out audibly, trying to convince myself not to get one.

"No, they won't melt so easily even if you travel for hours," the store attendant who was weighing and packing the fruits said matter-factly. I couldn't help but take one and pay for it, along with the fruits.

Back inside the car, the kid in me couldn't wait so I popped the box open. The husband reminded me to take photos first so we did a little fun photoshoot. My father was curious about what was it but seeing they were sugary, he said no and stayed quiet in the back seat, allowing us a bit of time playing with our new-found toy food, lol!

We spent a few more hours at my parent's house, then after picking up a few things from our other place, we drove home before it started raining. We had a few more mallow pops left which we consumed and played with along the way, lol!

Meanwhile, the last 2 photos on the slides were of baby Z, who along with his parents came from the city to visit us at the hospital on Saturday. The little guy was so playful but he wouldn't let the Farmboy nor I hold him even for just a bit.

Kids are truly a delight!

We had some really good laughs when baby Z suddenly started dancing to his heart's content while playing some children's music on his mom's mobile phone. I wonder what he would think of his tiny wiggles when he gets to see his videos 10 years from now.😅

Anyhow, we are now back home in our lil kingdom and have just been on 'recharge' mode since yesterday.

All photos (and text) are my own. 19092023/10:20ph

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