Only in China

A glimpse of a production compound and of the bamboo scaffoldings in the backdrop.
Extensive bamboo scaffoldings...
6666 on a motorbike's plate.
Old electrical posts on odd spots...

These photos were photographed somewhere in China, specifically in the Southern part some years ago when we did some traveling to a few of its cities. Perhaps we found them quite strange (odd, weird or whatever you would call it) in a good way that we took the shots.

Bamboo Scaffoldings

The first and second slides are of bamboo scaffoldings at the front and back of a huge building (11 floors high) that was under construction at that time. It's mind boggling what they had done with all those bamboos from the ground up to the top! And not only in one side of the building, but all around it! We only saw those types of staging on Chinese films and being able to see them in person is kind of unreal.

We were visiting a production company when we passed by and although my legs trembled at the sight of it (my imagination went wild), I was also very impressed at the ingenuity of those who built them. The husband, having observed how they tied the bamboos together with some kind of straw was also dazzled.

Would you dare climb up there?

Not in a million years, lol! Or maybe yes, IF my life depended on it, haha! But truly, it is just fascinating how they do it. Apparently, it is considered an art, and I could not disagree with it. It takes skill to make such an extensive structure and make it work.

6666 as an improvised plate number

Someone's favorite number must have been 6 that he had them placed as his motorbike's plate, lol! I may have found it weird at that time that this photo was captured, otherwise, I would not have even recorded it on camera.

This was photographed (discreetly) while we were out the streets.

Old electrical posts kept standing

Developments around the place where the third and fourth photos had left some electrical posts on odd spots after the lands around them had been dug out and flattened. I wonder if they have already relocated those posts this time.

Photographed while on a running car.

Well, these are just a few photos found in our archives that I thought of recording on the blockchain.

Cheers to a lovely day!

Photos are my own. 14022023/14:00ph

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