A Morning with Droplets, Mists & Fog

Thick fog covering the valley, hills and mountains.
Water droplets on the flower's petals and morning mists on its leaves.
This plant looked freshly-bathed :)
More droplets on this flower buds and its leaves.
Can't see anything down there.
And on this too!
Some mist on the leaves and more droplets on the petals.

"Dahling, come on out if you wanna see and photograph some fog..." thought I was dreaming. I was just probably half asleep when I heard the husband calling me out. The slightly opened bedroom windows were allowing some cool breeze from the outside so the curtains were swaying when I looked up. He was in the kitchen doing his magic (cooking).

"What is it, 'Ling?" I asked lazily although the word 'fog' already registered in my mind, lol! I was being "makulit" (playful) but of course, the husband didn't know that so he repeated, "there's fog if you want to take photos..."

Remembering it rained the previous night, it felt as though the veins in my body had gotten a new life, lol! Believe it or not, but that was enough to make me get out of bed and off to the yard in no time. Why? Because the fog can disappear fast especially when the sun is out. So yep, that's the story behind these photos. It's possible that I would have missed them if I was alone at the house during that time.

And there's even a bonus. Being able to photograph the droplets or morning dew on the leaves of the plants and on the petals feels good. The above macro shot and the others included on the slides were taken using the 'macro' feature on the phone.

The fog was quite thick that we can't sight the valley. And it stayed long that when we finished breakfast, we still caught up with it, only starting to disperse slowly when Mr. Sun showed up.

Please don't mind the electrical wires for they are part of our place's landscape, lol!

That's just it from me on this wonderful Wednesday.


Photos are my own. 4th April 2023. 23:00ph

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