Filipino food delight


Have you had a recent hankering for delectable Filipino dishes? These are some of the images I took with my hive buddies when we had lunch a few weeks ago.

Ngohiong is a delicious dish, but I have qualms about it because I was able to sample it, but I don't believe those were the greatest. Fortunately, Golden Cowrie had the best, which I was fortunate to sample during my visit.

Pork Sisig is a delectable and somewhat spicy dish that comes with just the appropriate quantity of servings and is ideal for sharing.

Kare-kare Despite the fact that the shrimp paste was separated, I was unable to taste it.

I was unable to partake in some of the dishes because I am allergic to shrimp and other shellfish.
It was quite sad, but I am hopeful that I will be able to overcome my allergies.

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