Liketu - New Hive Frontend, First Look

Liketu - probably named after like too - is a new Hive ecosystem frontend. Or interface or whatever you wish to call it.

Here are some links to get you started:

Quoting the About section of the site:

Liketu is a social media platform that easily lets users create, share and monetize content on a blockchain network.

My guess is that the project caters to new users who don't have an intimate relationship with blockchain-related stuff and don't want to be bothered with it.

Which is good.

The only real way to attract a mass of users is to offer them something attractive, lucrative, possibly productive, both creatively and financially, and simple to use.

Is the sentence above too complicated? Read it again :)

OK, back to Liketu. I invite you to browse through the features as explained here then log in and start creating.

From the first impression, the user interface is clean and clear, photo oriented and easy to use.

On the main page, there are categories with links that are not compatible with Hive links for tags or communities.

Clicking on the Explore button gives a gallery of posts ...

Clicking on the thumbnail photo gives you the content of the article with the details and comments to the right if there is space enough on your device. Otherwise, it floats under the photo area. Photos are displayed as a sliding gallery.

Yes, the interface reminds me a bit on Appics, No, I didn't try it on the phone yet.

The interface for creating a new article is straightforward too, well thought out.

The main feature, in my opinion, is tagging the photos with various types of tags:

  • person,
  • product,
  • location,
  • price,
  • link,
  • general.

All these tags are stored in the json metadata field of the post and thus available on the blockchain.

I believe that some of the features are or will be membership/fee-based. Yet, don't take my word on it since my acquaintance with Liketu is brief and superficial at the moment.

When you enter your Creator Dashboard for the first time you are represented with a Terms of service form:

Is the confirmation a manual procedure?

The verdict from a short browse? Intriguing and probably useful. I'll use it occasionally. @ecency will stay my main frontend. As for new users, yes, definitely a nice way to enter the Hive ecosystem.

Good work, team @liketu

What is your impression after checking the site out? I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you!

This review was created with @ecency and published in the Liketu community

Better and better

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