Deranged Photography Contest | Feathered Friends



Saludos amigos, hoy me uno al concurso que nos trae @derangedvisions cuyo tema es amigos emplumados, les cuento cómo hice esta propuesta fotográfica.

Hace algunos meces cuando me encontraba en el campo, ví una familia de patos, los patitos siempre a lado de su mamá para. Es lo más tierno que uno puede admirar de como la siguen a todos lados. Me fuese gustado hacerles una foto desde la laguna pero se estaban soldando. Espero les guste.

Me considero una fotógrafa amateur. Fotografías tomadas con un Xiaomi redmi note 9 pro.

Invito a los que quieran participar ver las reglas del concurso.

Greetings friends, today I join the contest that brings us @derangedvisions whose theme is my feathered friends, I tell you how I made this photographic proposal.

A few months ago when I was in the countryside, I saw a family of ducks, the ducklings always next to their mother. It's the cutest thing you can admire how they follow her everywhere. I would have liked to take a picture of them from the pond but they were welding.I hope you like it.

I consider myself an amateur photographer. Photographs taken with a Xiaomi redmi note 9 pro.

I invite those who want to participate to see the rules of the contest.




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