Looking for some coconuts in my uncle's field


El día de ayer tuve la oportunidad de ir al campo a visitar a unos familiares ya que estábamos de paso y aparte de ir a visitar fuimos a llevar algunas cosas, aprovechando la ocasión fuimos a recoger algunos cocos ya que mi tío tiene algunas matas en un terreno baldío que es de su propiedad, la verdad me gusta mucho el agua de coco así que estos frutos llegaron a buen momento, suelo cortarlos abriendo un pequeño agujero por uno de sus lados para así poder extraer el tan anhelado líquido, este tipo de cocos no poseen lo que se conoce comúnmente como relleno o pulpa, únicamente tienen agua, así que igualmente se disfrutan y se agradece mucho el haber podido probar tan excelente bebida .

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to the countryside to visit some relatives since we were passing through and apart from going to visit we went to take some things, taking advantage of the occasion we went to collect some coconuts since my uncle has some plants in a vacant land that is his property, the truth is that I really like coconut water so these fruits arrived at a good time, I usually cut them opening a small hole on one of their sides in order to extract the much-desired liquid, this type of coconut They do not have what is commonly known as filling or pulp, they only have water, so they are still enjoyed and it is very much appreciated for having been able to taste such an excellent drink.

¡Gracias por leer!/¡Thank you for reading!

¡Hasta la próxima!/¡Until next time!

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