My hair and beard are now the shortest they have been in years


It had been nearly 2 months since my last visit to a barbershop. My hair was out of control and my beard resembled a wild animal that resides deep within a forest. This was starting to get pretty annoying for me, so I know @flowerbaby was most likely also wishing that I'd hurry up and get another haircut already. The other afternoon, I decided to do exactly that.

Instead of going back to the other two barbers I've been going to over the last several years, I decided to revisit my former go-to barbershop. I have been going to these other two shops ever since I moved into my place downtown almost 3 years ago. They are both within walking distance and that's truly the main reason I've been alternating between the two closer barbershops.

This third spot is also really close just not within walking distance. I'm talking about Bully Trap Barbershop. This one is undeniably the hippest and most enjoyable place to be in my opinion. It is also in the middle of the three places in terms of cost. I used to go there all of the time but hadn't been in ages. There were about 5 people still working there that I still remembered, but also about 3 or 4 other new guys cutting hair.

The way this place works is mainly walk-ins. When you arrive, you write your name on a chalkboard and then just wait until it is your turn. If you want to get in there quickly, you are going to get the first barber that becomes available. If you don't mind waiting, you can write a specific barber's name next to yours. I didn't really care who cut my hair, I just wanted to get it done.

While waiting I sat in the lounge area next to this kid who had on some really cool Nike shoes. I waited a total of maybe 15 minutes and then got paired with this kid who looked about 21 years old. Surely the youngest out of all the employees.

I know that the shop owners wouldn't hire anybody that didn't know what they were doing, so I wasn't worried although my guy was much younger than the rest. I explained to him that I wanted my hair on top short and my beard pretty short as well. It didn't take him long before he finished and spun me around to look in the mirror. I was happy with what I saw and it was certainly a big change from what I looked like when I first arrived.

The top of my head was even shorter than I had imagined, but I was fine with it since it'll now be much easier to maintain. I think my beard was just about exactly what I had envisioned. It is no longer bushy, but also still a respectable beard. I gave him $20 for the haircut and $15 for the beard trim and then I was out the door.

I'm glad that I finally went back to Bully Trap, as it is by far the coolest place in town. Another reason I hadn't been there in forever is that they were requiring people to wear masks for the longest time and weren't doing beard trims. This was absurd to me and I just couldn't walk in there knowing I would be leaving without my beard being touched.

That and I absolutely think that anybody who believes wearing a mask is going to protect them from anything in this world is absolutely insane and brainwashed. I don't think the owners necessarily wanted to do it, but more so felt the need to do it to keep a positive image in the public. Even now, they have a giant sign when you first walk in that reads "Our staff is fully vaxxed". Hopefully, it's just to make people feel better and they aren't actually giving their employees that kind of ultimatum. I know that I will never work again for someone who wishes to control decisions in my life.

I'll never know the truth of what working there is like, but honestly, I don't even care as long as I can go in there and get a nice cut without feeling like a bitch obeying some idiotic new rules that magically came into existence a few years ago. I think the majority of the world is finally realizing that we were juped, but most seem okay with that which is sad.

Enough of my rant. This post is supposed to show you before and after photos of my hair/beard. That and a few photos of the shop to see how cool it is and the mural outside featuring some of the barbers. I still highly recommend Bully Trap and believe that I will be going there from now on. I was surprised to know that several of the workers remembered me very well even though I hadn't been there in nearly half a decade. One guy even remembered what car I drive and everything, so I think it's safe to say these people definitely care about their customers.

What do you think of my haircut? Did it turn out alright? Leave a comment and let me know. Should I pull a LeBron and accept that my hairline is not going to get any better and go bald? I probably won't be doing that anytime soon, but I feel like one day it is bound to happen.

Thanks for reading my blog and looking at some of my photos today.

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