Coffee to wrap up Friday evening


It had been A stressful day at work. A long day full of little tasks throughout the day that in the end due to demand and colleagues under stress little was achieved.

Big changes are happening at my work with Overtime vanishing and lots of staff being let go due to profit losses the next few months and winter will be challenging.

As soon as I finished my 9-hour shift I headed home but stopped by A coffee shop just to relax my feet and take a break from the week sadly the week isn't over for me as I have another 9-hour shift tomorrow starting at 7 am, a shorter Sunday shift and then a long Monday shift before finally a day off on Tuesday.

The job market is hard there is so much out there but one must have the skill sets to achieve in those jobs I am a very uncomfident worker I do my best but I understand there are many out there better than me.

coffee saved me today I felt like crashing out and being lazy but the coffee shop visit gave me that motivation to dig in and do a little bit more before I eventually fall asleep and prepare myself for tomorrow.

thanks for reading.

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