FREE Eggs!


I wanted to post about a little positive thing that happened to me yesterday.. it was our first time shopping at walmart, for all our groceries.. and u can just order through their app and then go pick em up.

We picked the following day from when we ordered since we had to be home all day. (u can choose within that day to 2 days later) We drove there at our scheduled time.. there are 6 spots right close to the store. After parking we just clicked on the app to tell them we were there. 2 minutes later a guy came out with all our stuff.

Here's the best part.. they will substitute certain items if they don't have the 1 u wanted. If it is worth more.. like in our case where we ordered 12 eggs, but they were out of stock so gave us 18 eggs instead.. it's for FREE, u don't get charged that extra. but if the have to substitute something for less, they refund u the difference. wow, I was shocked walmart or any store nowadays, would do such a cool thing!


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