Missing My Long Hair!

My favorite shot!
Been staring on how I smiled on this shot.
I love this one too. That smirk.
This was the boarding house where I stayed during my 1st year in college and I took the chance to capture a remembrance.
This was captured on a bus station when we were waiting for a vehicle to ride on.

As I started browsing on my Google Drive, I get to see some throwback pictures when I had a very long hair. I have experiences when people ask whether I had extensions on, because they could not believe it was my real hair.

But when the 2021 summer season came, I decided to cut it short. It was heart-breaking, but I had no choice since I am feeling irritated already. Also, I spent too much shampoo and conditioner. Maintaining a very long hair is a little expensive too.

As of now, I am trying my best to grow my hair again. I am missing my long hair lately, especially when I am checking for throwback photos of me during those days. Hopefully, I could achieve that length again.

Good day, everyone!

The pictures I shared were taken a year ago, and left on my Google Drive. Keeping it there is boring, so why not share them here as I also express my emotion on missing the moments when I had such silky, black, and long hair.

I hope everyone is doing fine.

Cherry. ♡

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