A Gift, A Munch


The Creative Work Hour group in Discord loves to do fun things, and the latest was that I could select the food of my choice to be delivered to my doorstep. I took it to mean that I'd find an icon or picture in my page, and not actual food. As the daily sessions start at 7am my time, I envisioned breakfast.

There's a regular there, @michaeljohnson.tv who often appears with coffee and croissant. It always sounds like a yummy way to start the day, so I asked for the same. About fifteen minutes later, another message popped up that said my food had been delivered. I looked over the text strings and found nothing.

Could they have actually sent food? There hadn't been a knock at my door, but I went to it anyway. There on my porch was a pink box and a paper cup.

OMG! They actually sent real food! I picked it up to find three masive croissants. Throwing caution and diet to the wind, I consumed one in a disrespectfully fast manner. atacking it from all sides, then gulped down the last horn like a crocodile or snake may consume its prey. So yummy.

The remaining two were cut up into quarters, then wrapped and frozen. I'll use them as rewards for hitting wiehgt loss targets, but for now, I'm the happiest of campers in this very creative community.

Thank you, created/hive-174323

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