Unexpected but happy visit.


I introduce you to this friend who comes in the morning, leaves, comes back in the afternoon, leaves again, and returns at night. I give him water, carrots, lettuce, and I noticed he likes bananas.

I don't know who he belongs to or where he comes from, but it's been three days since he last visited. I hope he's doing very well, what a lovely rabbit.

I used to sit in the garden and he would do things as if he were a little dog; he would lie down next to my feet.

Although he is not the only little animal I find at home and whom I give love, care, and food to. It seems they like my house because they always come here, but they are welcome.

Honestly, I don't know if it was a female or male or how old it might be, but sitting down it looks small, yet when lying down it looks huge. I did notice that at least this one was all fur because when I petted him I noticed he was skinny. I don't know if they are like that or if where he was before they didn't feed him. I really don't know, but I miss him because almost every afternoon I would sit in the yard and he would come. I enjoyed his company a lot; it seemed funny because as I mentioned before, he did things that I've only seen dogs do and it made me laugh a lot.


Les presento a este amigo que viene en la mañana se va, vuelve en la tarde se vuelve a ir y regresa en la noche, yo le coloco agua, le coloco zanahoria, lechuga, me di cuenta que le gusta el cambur.

No se de quien es de donde vine, pero ya tiene tres día que no viene a visitar, espero se encuentre muy pero muy bien, que lindo conejo.

Me sentaba en el jardín y el hacia cosas como si fuera un perrito, el se acostaba al lado de mis pies.

Aunque no es el único animalito que encuentro en casa y le brindo amor cariño y le doy de comer, me parece que les gusta mi casa porque siempre vienen aquí, pero son bienvenidos.

La verdad que no se si era hembra o macho ni que tiempo tendrá, pero sentado se ve pequeño pero cuando se acuesta se ve inmenso, si note que por lo menos este era puro pelo porque cuando le pude hacer cariño note que estaba flaquito, no se si ellos son así o es donde el estaba no lo alimentaban, la verdad no lo se, pero si lo extraño porque casi todas las tardes me sentaba en el patio y el llegaba, disfrutaba mucho de su compañía, me parecía cómico por lo que mencione antes hacia cosas que solo he visto que lo hacen los perritos y me hizo reír mucho.

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