A special Birthday Present

Examining the weight of the box I thought there would be a perfume in it but when I opened it……
There was a red box with golden hearts inside it.

_Here 👇 is one big heart that I made from those small hearts _
Inside the golden hearts, there are sweet, delicious and tantalizing brown chocolates filled with love.

Some people come to our lives and make their special places in our hearts. It doesn't happen on its own but their care and small gestures of love is the force that works like a magnetic attraction to bring us closer to them. A few months ago one such person has entered our lives- a sweet, pretty and soft-spoken girl with a lovely heart. She is my younger Bhabi (the wife of my brother)

On Saturday, it was my birthday; and it was a coincident that I was at my mom's home at that day. I went their a day before (i.e. on Friday) and stayed their till Saturday. It was just an ordinary day for me. Yes, I knew it was my birthday (Google assistant had told me a week before the day 😂. ), yet it has been long since there was a celebration for the day. (I have some old friends who never forget to wish me my birthday. However) There was neither cake cutting activity for the day nor any special dinner for many years. Moreover, there has been no birthday present for many years from anyone. (Here, please mind this that I am talking about birthday present. Otherwise, I have received many gifts but they were not meant for my birthday. ☺)

This time around, my new Bhabi made this day special for me. She arranged the cake that I cut as a birthday girl oooops…. I couldn't take its snapshot. Anyways) My sons and the nephews were the ones who enjoyed this treat the most. Hehe.

When I was coming back for my home, she had another surprise for me. She handed me a gift wrapped in a gift paper. Her pure innocent love was evident 😍. I felt like I have got a sister at my home (as I am the only sister of three boys).

Examining the weight of the box I thought there would be a perfume in it but when I opened it……
There was a red box with golden hearts inside it.

The chocolate reminded me of my school days. I used to buy it from my school canteen. It was my favorite. Since I left the school I didn't eat it again because I didn't find it anywhere. After so many years I have got them again; and this time it is tasting more delicious because there is an addition of love ❤ in it……

Mmmmmmmmm…… So delightful…….😍😂.

All images are taken with my mobile.

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