It's in the eyes Chico ;)


The path from doing a cardio training to almost getting drunk is not a really long one. It's actually just a couple of beers away.

So, let me state my case... At about 19:00 I left the house with my bike heading to the monastery hill for some power walk with a couple of friends.

We did that in less than an hour... But on the way back we stopped for a burger and that's when things got twisted. I was eager for a cheat meal, I have to admit it and that cheeseburger came like a charm but the beer wasn't in the menu.

I actually opted for it because I didn't want any soda, but once I had one beer it was hard to close the gates ;).

Hence we headed to the bar and the rest is history, so if you find this post awful just blame it on Heineken, not me ;).

Time to go to bed now. Hope everyone has a great day/evening and see you to the next post.

Thanks for your attention,

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