Happy National Day, Romania!!!


One day a year, we the Romanians celebrate our national day like pretty much the rest of the world does. Well, traditions are different, of course, but we all have our national day, right...

So what is ours about and what do we actually celebrate?


The choice of December 1, although not explicitly, referred to the Union of Transylvania, Banat, Crișana, and Maramureș with Romania in 1918, respectively to the Alba Iulia Proclamation, which took place on December 1, 1918.

Long story short, since the 1st of December 1918, Romania got larger. That's not necessarily a good thing, but neither a bad one. It simply got larger... All of these "tiny countries" that were "annexed" to Romania were Romanian-speaking territories, thus it was more like a formal thing the way I see it.

How are Romanians celebrating it? Well, mostly by eating and drinking. There is some sort of festivities in the big cities of the country involving army parades and stuff like that, but for us plebs living in the countryside, there's not much to attain to.

I'll be going to a local restaurant after I'm done with my gym training this evening and will be having some traditional food and that's it. I'm not the type to celebrate anything in life. If you don't like the pics in this post you can blame the mayor of the town for not putting some proper decorations out for this occasion :).

These ones are actually from the restaurant I will be going to later in the evening. Happy national day to my Romanian hivers and wish you all a great day ahead. Hive on!

Thanks for your attention,

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