Consistency// Energy That Doesn't Lie!

No matter which angle I might want to look at it, Inconsistency is a turn-off vibe for me, and nothing anyone would say or do would make me think otherwise.
As much as we know that an inconsistent businessman or woman doesn't make much out of his or her business.
Today the business is doing well and the next day it's another story because of certain factors affecting the growth of the business and at times it has to do with their inconsistent effort and attention to their businesses.
An artist who isn't consistent in his or her art could have the same challenge.
They say practice makes perfect and if one isn't practicing then such a person might be far away from perfection.


Consistency Over Other Factors

There is an energy I crave, a level of commitment I admire and look out for.
I don't and can't easily give in to poor energy no matter how well it might be portrayed or displayed.
If something isn't right with me then it's not and nothing can be done about it.
If one's energy depicts that of a forceful action or I smell a level of inconsistency from the person, then it's a No! for me, a complete turn-off.
If one is gonna convince me about something even if the person is trying to sell something to me, then he or she would need to consistently push his or her product my way.
You don't just throw something at me one day and then you are gone for like sometimes only to come back after a while to try and sell the same product or even a better one to me.
I wouldn't give you my time or attention whatsoever.

If I must agree to something or to vibe along then it means your energy was good enough and so was your consistent effort to stick around for some time.
I see efforts!
I read energies!
And I know when something is real or gonna last for a long time and when it is just for a fleeting moment.
You can't fool me.
Energies don't lie
And yes, I will forever pick consistency and effort over anything else.
Have a blissful new week everyone!


My dear viewers and readers!
Thank you guys for being my source of encouragement here, with all the time you dedicate to my blog with your upvotes and reblog, your comments, and feedback as well.
Your support is my biggest encouragement and I will always be grateful for it

              25 June 2023

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