Coti:: Sneak Peak to My #coti and #gcoti Rewards - My Strategy Ahead...

Hey All,

It's been a while since I talked about #COTI, and behind the scenes, things have been going well. My rewards here on a weekly basis are being directed to swap for #HIVE, and ultimately all the HIVE is powered up. Lets directly jump into looking at my rewards and the APR that I am receiving at the moment which is above 48%

As evident from above image, I have close to 100K+ #coti staked along with almost 100K+ #gcoti and speaking of rewards 575 cotis is ready to be claimed and today morning itself I got 542 gcoti tokens directly in my wallet which I staked it. A point to note gcoti rewards are paid out weekly and whereas coti rewards accumulate in real-time and you can claim it whenever you want. In my case I claiming coti rewards on a weekly basis and then swapping all of it for #HIVE.

Currently coti is trading around $0.08 - $0.10 cents and on average if I round it off I am making receiving close to 600 coti weekly plus or minus 10 coti here and there. And if I take coti price of $0.09 cents then its like $54+ earned on a weekly basis. How?

600 * $0.09 = $54+

Right now I am not touch #gcoti rewards as those are being redirected to the treasury to increase my APR. I guess one more round of gcoti and then I am done with 1:1 matching of coti and gcoti to receive the max APR rewards and then gcoti will also be swapped for #HIVE..

Its imperative to give you all some background about #gcoti- which is the governance token of the project.. COTI which is the native cryptocurrency of Coti aka (Currency of the Internet). The #COTI project has many things to offer and is trying to solve problems associated to traditional payment systems like:: Scalability, Transaction Speed, Cost Efficiency, Trust and Security, Usability, Smart Contracts and there is much more to it. gcoti is trading around $0.05 cents and so my rewards here on a weekly basis would be around 540 * 0.05 = $27

Total Weekly Rewards :: $57 + $27 = $84

Not that bad right? considering its trading around its all time low price. And just imagine when the crypto bull kicks in how much the weekly rewards would look like. I would be more than happy to see them reach $250 or more—the higher, the better. After all, who wouldn't want that? Well this should be it for todays' post on Coti:: Sneak Peak to My #coti and #gcoti Rewards - My Strategy Ahead...And finally just that you know the COTI V2: Privacy Network as a Layer 2 over Ethereum is coming sometime in Q4 of this fiscal year so expect some big bizarre for coti token to come and it could be before that as well - who knows.. Interested then do yourself a favor to grab some coti and gcoti tokens now before they skyrocket and thank me later....& obviously DYOR... Stay Coti... cheers

Have Your Say on #COTI, #gCOTI token - HODL Vs SELL?

Are you invested in #COTI token? Did you know about this bridge on the COTI platform that lets you to transfer your COTI from centralized exchange to a DEX? Are you staking COTI vs gCOTI? Would love to hear your thoughts around it in the comment box below? Cheers

Coti:: Sneak Peak to My #coti and #gcoti Rewards - My Strategy Ahead...

#coti #gcoti #payment #howto #transfer #crypto #cryptoofinternet #hodl #binance #bridge #currencyofinternet

Best Regards


Image Courtesy::, void, congecko, cryptoslate

PS:- None of the above is a FINANCIAL Advice. Please DYOR; Do your own research. I've have an interest in BlockChain & Cryptos and have been investing in many emerging projects..

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