Hola queridos amantes de las historias de terror y misterio. Al fin estamos de vuelta con el podcast, Zona de Escalofríos con nueva imagen y nuevo logo. Para este regreso decidí contarles un poco de mis historias paranormales. Así que espero que las disfruten y pueda leerlos a los comentarios.

Esta nueva temporada de ZDE será espectacular, me gustaría que en los comentarios digan: ¿De qué va la temporada? Ya que les dejé las pistas en la introducción.
Lo que sí les puedo confirmar es que estoy muy emocionada de hacer entrevistas y eso también lo veremos. ¿Quién se anima a ser primer@?

@oriongg ¿Confirmas lo que digo en el video?🤣


Hello dear lovers of horror and mystery stories. At last we are back with the podcast, Zona de Escalofríos with a new image and a new logo. For this return I decided to tell you a little of my paranormal stories. So I hope you enjoy them and I can read you in the comments.

This new season of ZDE will be spectacular, I would like you to tell me in the comments: What is the season about? Since I left you the clues in the introduction.
What I can confirm is that I'm very excited to do interviews and we'll see that too. Who's up for being first?

In the video I share with you 3 paranormal stories that I have experienced. Although the first one is not necessarily paranormal. Since I tell you that I have a hypersensitivity that makes me feel the energy of others and that I feel is super strange, because although I do not hear voices, or see ghosts, I can feel the emotions of others and that affects me. My personality always changes according to the environment where I am.
I can't stand being in places where there are constant arguments, fights or being bad with the people around me.

The second story is paranormal, because when I got my first cell phone with a camera, I was with my mom and brother at a friend's house. In his backyard, specifically taking pictures of me with the phone, when in them appeared the image of a boy.
the image of a child appeared in them. And it wasn't just one photo, it was several photos in which we captured child figures. I lost those photos, it was a very old phone. As time went by, it was confessed to us that in the yard of that house they had buried the losses of a woman who lived there.
It's scary, isn't it? The truth is that I was not very scared, I was just impressed by the finding.

And the third story has to do with sorcery/witchcraft, in my family that is something that is not talked about. However, I had a close person who is part of my family, who started to talk a lot about this topic.
So much so that I started to feel things. So as I said at the beginning, if they do harm to my family. I, being the most sensitive person, that falls on me. This topic haunted me for a while until I gave it up. However, I am still
I am still affected by the subject, because I do believe that there are people who wish harm to others. Precisely because of this issue, I have been a bit inactive in my social networks, trying to keep a low profile so that those people who have done bad things to my family or who wish harm to my family, will not be able to see me.
or wish evil to my family, do not know about me. Tell me, do you believe in these issues, have you had similar experiences?

Possibly I will continue to address this topic in a better way, later.

@oriongg Do you confirm what I say in the video?🤣


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Music by Music by alexcardozomusic from Pixabay
Music by Slicebeats from Pixabay

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Roses are red, Violets are blue. I'm so happy (3).gif

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