Action on Environmental Hygiene for Villagers

The health of people living in an environment is largely determined by the cleanliness of that environment. If the environment is not clean, garbage is scattered and slums, of course it can be guessed that, the people who live in that environment will be vulnerable to various diseases, and vice versa.

I dare say, that.. A neighborhood will reflect the characteristics of the people who live in that neighborhood. Do you agree with my argument?.

I've been involved in various environmental actions for a long time, and that makes me even more eager to create a proper environment anywhere, not just in the village where I live.

This is an environmental clean-up action that we have planned with village officials. This village is not the village where I live, but it is also my area of environmental hygiene action.

This action started from our observations, where the rain that hit our area a week ago, made the river water level turn high, and overflowed into residential areas.

Not without reason. That's because small rivers have been filled with garbage, so that when the intensity of rain increases, the river water discharge also increases, but the drainage flow is blocked, so that water overflows into the settlements.

Following up on this problem, we coordinated with local village officials to mobilize the residents in this environmental clean-up action.

Last Sunday, this action went perfectly coordinated by the local village head. And the astonishing thing is. The small rivers are filled with plastic waste which is very damaging to the environment.

Seeing this condition, you will also say, that the residents in this area have very little understanding of the environment, so they can easily and without feeling guilty throw away plastic waste in the river.

Lack of understanding about the environment or not caring at all, maybe that's what causes this problem.

Besides being able to block the flow of rivers, plastic waste is very dangerous. The particles contained in plastic waste will threaten the lives of animals that live in water, one of which is fish, and also piles of plastic waste in rivers will become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, so that it will cause various other diseases from the attacks of these deadly mosquitoes. .

Thanks to the cooperation with the village officials who were able to mobilize the residents for this action, the problem was finally resolved in one day. I also feel happy to see the enthusiasm of the villagers to jointly take action to clean the environment, which in the end will also have a good impact on those who live in this neighborhood.

Now we can see the rivers are clean of garbage.

And this is a view of the river in the upstream position, slightly wider than the size of the river downstream. Here we can also see the banner board that we have installed, which reads. "It is forbidden to cut down trees along this river."

Trees that grow naturally as well as those planted along the river are very useful, with the presence of trees along the river, it will hold the soil from being eroded by the flow of the river, and prevent flooding.

That is our action in protecting the environment. Creating a clean environment that will have a good impact on the health and lives of the people who live in that environment.

Thank you for reading, hopefully we can continue to create a clean environment for a better life.

That's all for now,
Greetings Nature Lovers.

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