From Ridge to Reef Project

What’s the catch?

There are lots of so-called Earth protectors, tree huggers, Sea life watchers and avid environmentalists, trying to outrank, out maneuver or out do each other in trying to create projects, programs and advocacy to save Mother Earth. They have lots of followers who seems to be all out in implementing their organizational objectives, even to the detriment of the species whom they are protecting. Honestly, I am not against them, in fact I do respect and admire them for their courage and determination. What I am trying to say is that, there were times that their actions seems to be totally uncalled for. They tend to organize rallies against any governments, communities or individuals which they deemed doing acts which might destroy the Earth, disrupting the so called ecosystems, trying to make one species extinct etc. Are all these issues founded on the truth or just something, an imagination coming out of their fickle minds?

It is kind of crazy to me, so difficult to understand, like this scenario: you go marching into a community with lots of placards and shouting invective, making a ruckus and disrupting the peaceful, normal life of the community, condemning its way of life which was there for a thousand of years. It’s like telling them to their faces that, “We know what is best for you.” For me, that’s being disrespectful, who the hell are you, to tell me what’s good for my family? If I do what you’re trying to let me do, will it feed my family, will it bring food to my table? Have you ever tried talking to us, trying to look for solutions, rather than putting band aids and feeling good that you’ve done your job?

Another feather for your organization, because you told this ignoramus what’s good for them? THE TRUTH IS, t’was the so called Earth lovers and environmentalist that disrupts the order of life and biodiversity. Giving more rights to the animals rather than people. Where’s the justice for that?

Sometimes, we are more growls and howls, than really doing something beneficial to the community and its people. We the so called “righteous,” vanguard of Mother Earth, do not include in the picture the community which might be affected by our righteous act. We give more attention to Nature, rather than people. The fact is, nature can rebirth on its own, people cannot. Leave nature on its own and it will replenish and heal itself. But people once displaced, you condemn and destroy four generations.

In the mountain Ridges

But here’s the cliche, one organization I know who had the right perspective in mind, “The Ridge to Reef Project,” initiated by our Local City Water District Office. They organized and involved the local community in the area, where they have a project to reforest the entire ridges and to make sure that the newly planted trees were taken care of.





The community were not taken out of the picture, in fact, they were actively involved. The locals were the one looking after the endemic species of trees which will be planted in the ridges. They act as the forest rangers, making sure that no one is trespassing or going into the Forest Reservation without permission. They also serve as guides and local lecturers on the different faunas and floras found in the area, making sure that day hikers and trekkers will enjoy their visit to the area without harming its pristine and virginal beauty by trash or garbage left behind which is detrimental to its biodiversity. By giving them the right compensation and education, the lives of the locals change and they were empowered, they no longer poach or cut trees, but are now its protectors. This is a win-win solution!





I had participated on this noble project because I saw the organization’s sincerity to help restore balance in Nature. So, I also make it a point to really involves my students in this worthy endeavors. Perhaps, the return of investments we might expect cannot be felt in today’s generation, but I know it will have a great impact to the next.



Tons of garbage and the solution


After the mountain adventure, reforesting and planting endemic species of trees in the Forest Reserve, I again went out with my students to join the efforts of planting mangroves on the shorelines where the sea water and the water from the mountain met. This area is abundant with sea life, shells and mussels. Yet, in the past years, the sea products were depleting due to the garbage which usually choked and lined the seashores during the monsoon seasons. Tons of garbage were dumped on the shorelines.





In the past, the beach was the favorite hang out of the city folks, but due to the all year round plastics and garbage washed ashore, the area was abandoned, thus, tons of garbage littered on the shorelines. Not one so -called Nature lovers and Vanguards had the initiative to clean up the coastal area. This could be not one of their agenda, or giving them the benefit of the doubt, collecting or cleaning up garbage affects their sensibility.





It was, “The Ridge to Reef Project,” who went to action, and initiated the work in recovering the shoreline with an explicit mandate, to create a buffer zone to protect the shore line from storm surges, by planting prolific mangrove species. The creation of natural habitat for breeding and protection of sea creatures. Schools, civic organizations and even military were tapped to helped in the project of planting mangroves in the sandy and muddy patch of the shorelines. The process and the work was tiring and tedious, there were times that no one responds to the call, but the works continues. The locals in the area were also organized and actively involved in the collection and growing of the “propagules, “ the shoots of the mangrove which strives efficiently once planted in the murky and muddy grounds. We had planted more than three thousand propagules, hoping and praying that even a fourth of that will survive the onslaught of the waves coupled with garbage which sometimes uproot the striving propagules.





Our efforts might seems to be small compared with what other big and well known Earth protectors had done, like protecting the whales, rallying against global warming, etc. but we know we have done our part of helping our environment and living a better place for the next generation, that’ll be a legacy worth dying for. Thank you for giving your precious time, reading my point of view and a bit of ranting. Pardon me, if I might have touch some sensitive issues, I was not aware of, I just want to express soul and heart about something I loved and passionate about.

Life is beautiful. Live your life to the fullest. Carpe Diem!

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