Roe and Muntjac Deer South Northants 😃😃

Hi. The following Photos and Videos are of Roe and Muntjac Deer. They were taken on various early morning walks in the countryside where I live.

This video of a Roe Stag was recorded May 1st 2023 at 07:22. I found him on the outskirts of some land. He was a significant distance away. The video again is handheld as I travel light and use a Nikon P900 83x optical zoom digital camera. Although, I am able to increase that focal length via digital magnification. That gives me a focal range of up to 1000mm.

The next video though dull and of pretty low resolution was recorded a few weeks ago but I have not been able to find the original for the details. It is of two Muntjac Deer. I had picked them up in the meadow but had struggled to record them. When I turned to leave they were stood just along the grass pathway from me. Hope you enjoy the video. It was very early and low light affects the picture quality.

This is a portrait and full picture of a Roe Stag taken on May 1st 2020 at 06:28 in the morning. He was just beyond the tree line that I was walking beside. He was close enough for me to capture him at very high resolution for my cameras capabilities at only 180mm. The portrait photo I had increased magnification to 539mm.



May 21st 2020 I captured this photo of a Muntjac leaping at a rate across another meadow I was visiting at the time.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and I will be posting more soon.
I have also added an ethereal photo of a Roe Stag taken early in the mist 😃👍



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