HDR Dev Notes 20211210

I am going to use this place as a medium for composing and organizing my thoughts and subsequently efforts.

Last weekend, I woke up at "zero dark thirty" to get some work done on HiveDownvoteRewards. Thus far all I have is a Django skeleton so not much for the dog and pony show.


I will say that, after a bit of troubleshooting, I successfully applied migrations which isn't saying much as I have yet to develop our data models for the site. What it did accomplish is ensured our database account had appropriate permissions.

Another thing I got around to was streaming the blockchain for the purpose of identifying the data fields we would want in our model. Please, excuse me if my technical jargon is off. Despite my extended hiatus in developing things, I am still relatively new to this web framework. (as some of you may know I had some health issues to tend to and still working on that)

This is a sample of a block tx fields I pulled to examine. Now, we need to establish what is pertinent for our use case.

{'type': 'comment', 'parent_author': 'stayoutoftherz', 'parent_permlink': 're-stehaller-r3nruo', 'author': 'stehaller', 'permlink': 'r3ns1q', 'title': '', 'body': .. 'json_metadata': '{"links":["https://hive.blog/hive-121566/@stehaller/geld-ein-futures-kontrakt-in-contango"],"app":"hiveblog/0.1"}', '_id': 'cd491db107e7cb9682c17bc97a331141e95ac731', 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 5, 20, 10, 42, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'block_num': 59780352, 'trx_num': 57, 'trx_id': 'a44fb3889cd878538b54799ad8a86ba62ce40fe9'},

Previously, I had figured I would just pull downvotes but realized that scope was far too narrow to empower Blockchain abuse fighters. So, I scrapped that database and created a more general purpose one. The tables are where we will drill down to specific transactions of interest. Believe I had wrote about this previously but let's recap some potential table types.

  • Downvotes
  • Watchlist User Posts / Comments
  • HDR Hive-engine transactions which will be our reporting mechanism

Think from this data we will be able to create more specific views. We may want to opt for grabbing all posts / comments if we want to create something of a viewing apparatus for abuse fighting specifically.

Each content item would have a Hivesigner hot link for the report TX but users may also mention the bot to have a Hivesigner link included in a reply. This could be a double edged sword as it may bring awareness to a potential instance of abuse while on the other hand could bring the wrong kind of attention e.g. retaliation by the suspected abuser.

So, what do I need to do next?

Need to create a python bot to stream blockchain transactions for each of our data types above to be placed in their respective tables. This should not be too difficult using Beem.

Then, I will need to look into views and also the bot that will monitor approved report post payout and tally the downvotes for rewards.

Also, think a sort of reverse curation algorithm would be neat but we could go with something more basic for starters just so we can get to the point of having a Minimum Viable Project (MVP) which I know we have all been waiting on for far too long.

Lastly, we will need to work on the airdrop mechanism. Also would like to airdrop moderators in accordance with their contributions. I don't need to necessarily do everything so if somebody would like to take the helm on that it would be appreciated. I can figure out the moderator rewards portion but the 1 to 1 swap is what I would like to determine from our old Steem-Engine token. Ew Steem 🤮

Maybe it would be easier for us to require users send their SFR to @null on Steem in order to be credited HDR on Hive? This may not work for all users though as I believe some have been "banned" from Steem by JSun. Not sure if they would be able to claim so maybe the snapshot method would be best.

That is how things stand currently. If this is of interest, do let me know what you think.

Thanks for stopping by 👍

Had one alibi. Another thing that needs to be worked in is the idea of MaaS or CMaaS (Content Moderation as a Service) to be able to assist Hive communities by providing decentralized community moderation services with tokenized incentives. Keep that in mind.

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