RE: RE: 2021-11-22
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RE: 2021-11-22

RE: 2021-11-22

Before I answer your question, @ flipflopcrypto, I'm going to say a few things first.

There are 330,149,796 people in United States of America (USA) as of December 16, 2019 according to Wikipedia.

In the 2010s or after, only a third of Americans would travel outside of the country, I believe it is something like that or at least under 50% the past ten years or less as of 2021. Before that, I believe it was around 50% or higher before like the 2010s or something like that. I believe there is a decline the past few years or longer. Possibly less than 25% after 2020 due to big governments declaring lockdowns illegally around the world. Now, half of 300 million people is 150 million and a third of 300M would be 100 million. Meaning still a lot of people.

So, there may still be over 50 million people going outside America after 2020. Still a lot of people. And I'm saying people and not Americans and citizens because there are many millions of not just legal immigrants and visitors and everything that may be legal but also illegal aliens with no papers. So, I do not know how many illegal immigrants are walking from and through Mexico and up into the United States. We have open borders like Europe. So, globalists and others are destroying America and the world. I fight them. Many bad and good things are happening in the world.

To your question, @flipflopcrypto, I was born in America in 1985. I was born in Oregon state, that is above California and under Washington and Canada. I've been to Quebec. I taught English in Vietnam for five years. I met many foreigners and expats from all around the world.

I've talked to people who like to travel and people who don't.

It looks like travel is declining the past few years or the past few decades. It seems that more and more people are not traveling. Looks like tourism is on a decline.

Some people struggle to travel when they have less money. That is a reason not to travel.

Some people are too scared to travel.

Some are too busy. That is a big thing for too many people who get stuck with work and life.

There are many reasons and excuses for people to travel less.

Too many don't want to travel because they don't care about other people, cultures, countries, history, geography, customs, traditions, etc. Too many people are taught lies about nations, people, history, etc.

Too many people want to just hang out with friends in their own city and that is it. A lot of people can have this feeling and sense of not caring about others and people can become too arrogant, proud, ignorant, etc.

In conclusion, there is along list of things, a complex combination of things, which causes tourism to decline.

The less often parents travel, then the less often their children may travel. People are taught to hate other people. People don't understand that people in many countries around the world are people too. There are so many similarities between different people around the world. Yeah, some differences between people who prefer collectivism and other people who prefer individualism. But even with that main disagreement between humans, people can still get along. Like for me, I prefer individualism meaning private property rights, freedoms, etc. But I can still make friends with people in Vietnam who may be aligned with collectivism in some ways.

But there are too many bad schools and bad movies and other things in America teaching people to not know how to get along with people who have different perspectives on life, etc.

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