RE: 2022-02-02


2022-02-03 - Thursday - 03:50 PM | Gab | Ecency | Banned Log

Some social media websites should brand their service as a renting service. I'm ok with a social app saying they do not support unlimited free speech and anything and everything you can imagine. But if you do it, make it clear what the rules are or make some main points regarding the contract between the service and the users. I would brand at least an aspect of the service as renting as opposed to absolute and alleged virtual user ownership of an account. So, imagine going back in time to the origin of Facebook in 2004. Mark Zuckerberg should not have said in interviews that Facebook was a platform for all ideas. Instead, he should have said Life Log is a publisher for renting temporary broadcasting space. Of course, the marketing for that would be less appealing but also closer to the truth to how things really are. Now, due to monopolies like Facebook, too many people globally expect unlimited photo and video hosting. But at the same time, the general public accepts censorship to an excessive degree. These two concepts can be paradoxical to each other. I'm not going to say Facebook told their users that they do have and will always have unlimited space online to post anything. However, my impression was just that. I would imagine that was the impression too many people got at least to an absurd level and perhaps not to absolute levels all of the time for every human on the planet. But it seems that Big Tech social websites like Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, smart phones in general, other apps, other websites, etc, have dulled and pacified too many people towards an untrue perspective regarding how social media and how the Internet in general have worked and how it ought to work in general and in specific examples as well. If you say you are giving users free speech, then please give them just that. Otherwise, call it limited free speech. Call it a publisher and not a platform. But they want liability protection. So, they call it a platform. But then they censor which platforms are not allowed to do at least to an extent. I say, don't remove illegal posts but if they have to be, then do it after judges and jurors rule on it. Correction over prevention in regards to that because you should want to avoid precrime and pretrial judgment which can violate the 5th and 6th amendments which Facebook is violating. Big Tech violates these amendments. First, you do the crime. Second, people should take you to court. In other words, Facebook should not say, "YOU MIGHT DO A CRIME IN THE FUTURE." This is not Judge Dredd. This is not Minority Report. Call it Face Apartment. Say in the terms that users rent temporary space. Say the space can be removed at any time without reason. Don't give users too much false hope. I prefer absolute free speech on a social app. I don't know how good Hive is but I recommend Hive at least for now as my favorite. I like Gab. I prefer whatever might be the best. The Internet does not have limited space. If I make an account on Face Space or My Book, please tell me what the limits are. Tell me how many posts per second I can make. Tell me how many gigabytes I have per month or total for all time. Tell me bandwidth limits. Tell me which words, links, photos, videos, articles, phrases, bad words, hate speech, slurs, etc, etc, etc, I cannot say and/or whatever. Be very clear about the rules. Don't say users can do anything and then say, "JUST KIDDING AHAHAHA." For example, Gettr is not a free speech platform but they say they are but are not. I prefer apps which lets you post anything. But that is just me.

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