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Alex Jones should do Twitter X Spaces via computers, not WIFI or bluetooth, you can bypass phones via sandbox emulators simulating mobile devices, this would help Infowars. Globalists feed off negativity, they inject madness into culture globally at the end of each year to create a feedback loop of destruction in order to end humanity, knowing this can aid in your escape of the Real Truman Show. Regarding Steven Crowder vs Gay Jared Monroe. So @RealAlexJones has a show on @scrowder @LWCmugclub and @GmorganJr went on @infowars this week talking about it, Alex said similar things happened going back years where former Infowars staff tried infiltrating and destroying Infowars, a good person to ask would be @barnes_law.

So, @minds blocked me on Elon Musk Twitter X after terminating my account on Minds, I don't mind getting suspended off YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Wordpress, and someday maybe even TikTok. But why Minds?

Boat & garden work. Video: Quick Oatmeal Update, Operation Daily Grind. Watched Star Wars Bad Batch & Andor.




Trillions of years from now according to AI

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-03-30 - Saturday | Published in March of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:05 AM
Quick Oatmeal Update, Operation Daily Grind

Here's an outline to some of what I'm doing in my life, just wanted to briefly express my thoughts regarding what I've done, what I'm working on, potential future plans, wanted to try to clarify why I did some of what I've done in my life, don't have time to unpack all of the details of everything I really want to say right now, I've said some of this before on and off for years
You might say this video goes too fast, too many words, hard to understand, too many things, typos, other problems, you're probably right in that this video is too fast just like life will pass you by like it did for blakewebbtiffanycumbowoofjimmywilliamsmichaeljacksonrararooroobillcunninghamannpickellbettywhitejoshewingdickrichardmoreheadhoneypufferoreo
Purpose of this video might be to sort of get out how I feel at this very second for the record to be archived for the history books, for the world to see, to be timestamped, despite being perhaps too ineffective at being able to express well enough to enough people at least a minimum amount of what I'm trying to say in content like this which I feel can often be maybe too ignored or what have you by many, at least that was the perception on and off for years, I want to quickly talk about that in this video on top of everything else
I've failed at many things in life as mentioned in my Failing Oatmeal video, you might even say this video is a failure in many ways similar to much of my content going back to the 1900s these past almost half-century or 39 years to my birth in Oregon in 1985
You're watching a short one-minute-long video which I've been uploading daily starting in this current year of 2024 where I try to say a bunch of things faster than Timcast Tim Pool on Alex Frogs, I try flooding the screen with text which I know many people don't really read or analyze to the level I'd desire meaning you might be the only one reading this meaning you should take over my Discord Server which has over 600+ Lolcow Ghost Trolls who muted and ghosted that group on the Discord app, you can find invite links to my Discord everywhere or add me on Discord at JOEYARNOLDVN
Like Ra Ra, there is a lot I don't know, there is a lot you don't know, in the future I may focus on podcasting many hours every day on all the websites going life, getting distributed/syndicated/rebroadcasted/pirated/mirrored/shared/copied/plagiarized as I'm not copyrighted, as YouTube stole my 10K+ videos like 2013 Vietnam Kathy stole my bike in front of my 350K+ followers which some had cops swat/raid me illegally in 2023 similar to Robin Baker 2012 not to be confused with the 2010 pillow or the 1992 Red Fred Dead Lego Man
I turned eleven years old in the year 1996, we started making videos in 1996 right before my 11th birthday, a lot of what I do now can be traced back to 1996, started thinking about like adulthood in 1993, some of it goes back even farther or further, however you spell it, I'm not Mack from Home Alone but I mean I did want to be like him in a way
I don't have time to fully talk about everything I've done in my life including especially my Internet Life, I turned twelve years old in the year 1997, started using the Internet more often around that time, started posting an online blog around 2003 or after that, started uploading our Arnold Attic home videos in 2004 or after that and especially starting around and since 2009 at an accelerated rate, my 26+ years on the world wide web and my life in general even offline can be tough to summarize as many things happened meaning don't get me started even as you can't stop me as I already started in a sense for years and will continue as I have
I've uploaded unfinished work in a desire to get my content Bit-Torrented while I still could before it was too late which can be a good idea but you might say I was being too bipolar with the introverted autism turned cocky extroverted trapped inside a Yu-Gi-Oh! mess which nobody wanna to like Pokemon catch them all, I'm gonna try not to bore you too much with the details here for now as I've already discussed some of this in past, I'm not absolutely trying to always like rationalize/justify every single decision I've made in my life but instead trying to outline my perspective which perhaps fluctuated over the course of my life but do know my intentions were generally or always to try make the world greener one oatmeal at a time to quote the 2009 Oregon Comcast NBC Wanted Adventure Host auditions I was in meaning I wasn't in Texas that year
Again, I'm not gonna fully explain everything I've done in my life as I've was trying to start perhaps too many things all at the same time on and off for decades working myself to death as a workaholic perfectionist clean-freak on top of like a series of what may and/or may not be like paradoxes, contradictions, and the list goes on and on as you might say I'm still trying to figure things out even as perhaps I may already have some of it unlocked so to speak, but I'm currently trying to put to bed some of my cold cases so to speak as to find some closure to use perhaps a metaphor or whatever as the family historian putting together my autobiography life story to counter the Oatmeal Fake News which was spammed in my group on Discord in 2023 and on many websites and beyond going back to like 2009 or even the 1900s
I may try to slowly transition towards making more normal longer-form videos in contrast to these 60-second videos, that is one of many goals as I try to find balance in my life, as I try to finish up some of my life-long projects so that I can take it to the next level in my life starting before 2030 or 2025 meaning the sooner the better, I've spent years looking for fans and partners to join me, but perhaps I messed up with some of that or a lot of all of that alleged and potential recruiting/scouting, but not to say there was no success as some things happened but my concern was the dominoes were not falling fast enough, the snowball butterfly effect was perhaps in my opinion not exponential enough is how I looked at it at times for years but not to say my perception was right even in the mist of people getting bad first impressions of me as people judge books by covers, as I burned bridges, as many things were perhaps destroyed regardless of intentions as you determine which battles to fight on which hills you're willing to die on as you rearrange priorities
This video is referencing many things but may not totally unpack/explain what the references mean as that might take many hours to do, I kind of wanted to try to throw as much as I could into 60 seconds just for now, part of me feels like if I had trillions of people watching me who really wanted to know the details, then I might perhaps entertain genuine questions which I sometimes only get surface-level questions which makes me sad sometimes, you can call this video a failure as it doesn't even mention everything let alone try to fully communicate what I'm trying to say as a lot of this is like inside jokes, like inside basball for those not spending thousands of hours each day since the time of Bumbaloe Cleopatra analyzing the Pyramids of the Billy Breaker Ojawall
Ra Ra asks, Ra Ra Roo Roo, what is this video?
Why do it? How many hours do you have? I do what I do in life for many reasons. I did different things right or wrong. I try talking about my thought process as I made decisions in my life. I didn't always explain what I did. Currently trying to lay the foundation for the real beginning of my actual brand and everything I'm trying to in my life. This video might be a failure in many ways similar to a lot of content from most of my life. Many people in my position would try to delete a lot of my own content to start over. If you want to help, then let me know or just do it like Michael Jordan Nike Star Wars Yoda. But either way, I will try to continue to do what I do and more. I'm trying to transition to the next phase and level in my life, Oatmeal is in another castle to quote Nintendo Mario. Gotta go back to work everybody. I have more to say about this and everything else, to be continued and more as this is just the tip of the Oatmeal Infinite Altitude Ironic Mystic Hulk Hogan Iceberg
Ra Ra Roo Roo


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

12:07 AM
If a pension comes from employers who depend on the dollar, if banks continue to fail in the coming months, that might be an issue depending on if any of that could interfere with your future. Silver is doing better than gold. Bitcoin is still the goat compared to other crypto. 02:09 PM: So, @minds blocked me on Elon Musk Twitter X after terminating my account on Minds, I don't mind getting suspended off YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Wordpress, and someday maybe even TikTok. But why Minds?

03:55 PM
So @RealAlexJones has a show on @scrowder @LWCmugclub and @GmorganJr went on @infowars this week talking about it, Alex said similar things happened going back years where former Infowars staff tried infiltrating and destroying Infowars, a good person to ask would be @barnes_law.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Bad Batch 309

2024-03-30 - Saturday - 04:20 AM - Star Wars: Bad Batch 309

Asajj Ventress is the Catwoman of the Star Wars prequels as she is on her own side escaping the grasp of the Empire as she is independent.

11:39 AM
Ron Gibson - TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE SPECIAL REPORT: Deep State Using Event to Test Federal Communications Takeover

April 8th is the last day of the Hebrew calendar. It's also the day of a solar eclipse.

12:19 PM
Globalists feed off negativity, they inject madness into culture globally at the end of each year to create a feedback loop of destruction in order to end humanity, knowing this can aid in your escape of the Real Truman Show.

01:58 PM
Alex Jones should do Twitter X Spaces via computers, not WIFI or bluetooth, you can bypass phones via sandbox emulators simulating mobile devices, this would help Infowars


People who might know how to connect/speak to Twitter X Spaces directly via PCs bypassing phones might include (or desktop version might now have a mic)


Andor 107-108

2024-03-30 - Saturday - 05:47 PM - Star Wars Andor 107-108

He was randomly thrown in prison like innocent people were thrown in for Jan6. In Star Wars, you see labor camps where they all compete against each other to make things robots could make for them. Star Wars Andor, this is supposed to be Princess Leia a few years or more before A New Hope?

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Bad Batch 309

2024-03-30 - Saturday - 04:20 AM - Star Wars: Bad Batch 309

11:39 AM
Ron Gibson - TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE SPECIAL REPORT: Deep State Using Event to Test Federal Communications Takeover

03:39 PM
TENET Media - Abolish The Police Or Back The Blue | The Culture War with Tim Pool

Andor 107-108

2024-03-30 - Saturday - 05:47 PM - Star Wars Andor 107-108

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 11:20 AM. Greenhouse plants out, 2 of the fans in there turned on, screen door opened, it was 80 degrees at that time before 11:35 AM. Breakfast, 11:41 AM. Lunch, 02:00 PM or so. Dishes around 02:30 PM or whatever, helped with putting the motor back on the boat with Larry, battery in, then out, then motor back to car, back here at 03:20 PM after getting the mail. They're doing girl talk, mom and Jane who said she tends to hang with the guys as women can often have too much drama which is generally true. Motor came back around 4 or after that, we put it on, 2 batteries, 1 smaller battery, a red gas can with the pump which we were looking for earlier and found it. Weeding in island bed, took out a dead bush, weed at pole bean area both sides. Plants back into greenhouse, fans off, screen door closed, this is what we usually do. Back here after like over an hour at 05:20 PM. Dinner, 06:00 PM. Shower, 06:30 PM. Men In Black 2 from 2002 at 07:10 PM while eating ice-cream, see photos, aliens mentioned global warming in the movie. Watched a little of the first Police Academy movie from 1984, didn't realize it had topless women in it. Back here at 07:45 PM. Made TikTok videos around this time between 7 and 9. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 2 tangerines, 11:41 AM. Lunch: 2 toasted blueberry bagels with red pepper hummus, 02:00 PM or so. Dinner: cold soup, not so good cold, had potatoes, beans, leftovers from previous days, 06:00 PM. Death by Chocolate ice-cream, took photos of it, 07:10 PM.