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We can talk to animals like Dr. DoLittle but without saying a word said Alex Jones as our brains are like radios transmitting frequencies, others can connect to your sixth sense WIFI to sync up, the Internet is a cheap copy of this, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Trump, Elon Musk. You know television is dead when Piers Morgan has to interview Nerdrotic and Critical Thinker about Hollywood, The Oscars. I'm jealous of Alex Jones because he is a father and that is the one thing I'm not at the age of 39.

RIP Boeing, made in China to save the planet by killing the planet because of the climate change scam. Boeing failed because globalists don't want people to travel in the future, they have to trick the world into fearing and hating travel. Hillary Clinton must be the president of Boeing, I mean how else do you explain this whistleblower magically becoming unalive?

Video: Will Oatmeal do Stand-Up Comedy, Part 2. Watched Nerdrotic on Piers Morgan, Dr. Phil on Jordan Peterson.




Full Oatmeal House

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-03-12 - Tuesday | Published in March of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:51 AM
Will Oatmeal do Stand-Up Comedy, Part 2

Oatmeal, why you not doing stand-up comedy?
Ra Ra, because I don't want to be taken as a joke as I've given people bad first impressions whether intentional, accidental, 2013 Vietnam Kathy Stole My Bike, as I've spread myself too thin burning bridges while picking too many hills to die on while picking too many 2011 Charlotte Battles during my life for decades on and off regardless of intentions or otherwise as collateral damage is an Infinite Altitude of the 1996 Arnold Attic
Don't you think it's water under a Fonnie Filden 414 bridge as you don't have a time-machine to go back and fix things, isn't it time let things go like Matt Smith who owes you like $10K+ USD as of like 2013 excluding interest since then?
But what if I can't swim as I try to get back to what I was doing with the ducks in the pond at the Freemason Grand Lodge several blocks away from the ghetto I grew up in even as my mom almost became like a Freemason when she was a girl
You afraid of falling into the rivers of regret, failure?
I mostly just want to go back and correct the record while I still have an opportunity to build comprehensive autobiography as the Arnold Attic Ojawall Bumbaloe family historian trying to archive, syndicate, consolidate, log, outline, in blogs, directories, timelines, summaries, the facts, locations, timestamps, people, events, dates, links, references, quotes, to counter Oatmeal Fake News, that is lies about me, misinformation disinformation deception and more which affects me and others too
But what if in doing so you end up falling into the river unable to breathe again like Oreo your guinea pig who you accidentally rolled over one time in 1998 when you were 13 or whatever year it was?
Opportunity to take it to the next level outweighs the risks which on one hand I take less of as I get older but also more so in other ways as I may sometimes take other types of like calculated risks as I seek balance, a fan base, as I multi-task, I try to get some stuff done while I can as a bare minimum towards long-term goals, as I sometimes go back and forth struggling as I constantly run out of time doing too many things which many people may not realize what I do which is frustrating as well
Does that mean you're not gonna become a stand-up comedian like Chrissie Mayr, Lila Hart, Pewdiepie, Jimmy Kimmel who has a Trump fetish, or even Mr. Rogers who was a little bit funny?
One of the problems is I might not be any funnier than this video say for example which perhaps if enough people liked then perhaps there is some market demand for it, not saying I'm the funniest person alive as I'm often not trying to be funny or don't care either way as my mind thinks often times beyond just comedy in and of itself as I'm running around like Oatmeal Chicken with no head on as a workaholic clean-freak perfectionist trying to get too much done trying to start too many things I never get around to finishing as I'm too curious, passionate, loyal
Are you procrastinating from your destiny of being the funniest oatmeal in the world?
Sometimes I feel like I'm not funny enough, still got a lot to learn, rough around the edges, while also feeling burdened with unfinished business as I've ironically dumped a lot of content onto the Internet on and off for decades since like I was 12 in 1997, I publish so much, like unfinished media, videos, articles, memes, blogs, photos, websites, information of my life, so many different things be it good or bad, right or wrong, and so on, a wide variety, you might say I'm too obsessed with trying to clean up after myself in trying to tell my side of the story even after running around the Internet and my life for decades whether intentional or accidental like a tornado


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:00 AM

Shine bright while you're shooting for the stars because you might get stuck up there. Might as well make it count.

Discord Drama

2024-03-12 - Tuesday - 01:45 AM - Discord Log

2024-03-12 - 01:41 AM - Invite Link is now working again on Firefox on my laptop. It appeared as invalid Monday. I told everybody that. But it appeared as working again around 11:00 PM PDT or perhaps it was closer to midnight when I first noticed it. I checked my email but didn't see any updates from Discord to see if they knew what happened. I pinged everybody in my server and sent tweets about it on Twitter on Monday when I saw that the invite link to my server appeared broken. Ian said it worked on phones. So, that was good to know. Now, it appears things are back to normal. 12:30 PM: The invite link is working for me now as of today being Tuesday but it wasn't working yesterday being Monday on Firefox, Chrome, or Opera on my laptop (I only tested the invite on those 3 web browsers on my Ubuntu operating system on my desktop or I mean laptop). One member said he could see the invite on his phone yesterday via the mobile Discord app. So, maybe the problem was related to browsers. He showed me an alleged screenshot showing the invite appeared on his phone yesterday. So maybe it was only a web browser issue. A few people joined yesterday and today. The number of times people clicked on the invite changed since yesterday meaning some people saw the invite and clicked on it. The invite didn't work for me on web browsers yesterday but now, since about a few hours ago, the invite is working for me. So, I guess it was some kind of bug, like some kind of web browser glitch. I don't think it was an issue only relating to my computer as I didn't change anything between the time the invite didn't work and the time the invite link started working again. So, I doubt the problem revolves around only my computer. 01:59 PM: Who will become the 600th member of our Discord Server? We can hold a party in the voice channels if we hit 1,000 members before April of 2024. When we hit 600 soon, I'm going to make a video update on this server, my thoughts, coming soon. 06:18 PM: Members in my Discord server had police swat me in 2023, I reported many messages from many anonymous accounts who doxed me and they lie about me on many websites. They have been harassing me since at least 2009 or longer on the Internet. They said many times they sent bombs to my house. They tell everybody I'm a pedo but I'm not. I told everybody on the Internet many times in my videos and articles and posts that I am not a pedo. I am against that. But my trolls took me out of context. I have been on the Internet 26+ years since like 1997. I tried telling police, the FBI, accounts on Twitter, etc, about all of this. My trolls spread fake news about me on Kiwi Farms. They keep on making sock puppet accounts in order to scare away potential fans away from my groups and social media. My trolls tried stealing credit cards in my name in 2023. I'm a victim of attempted identity theft. Law enforcement and social media networks should be notified. I tried for years to tell everybody about this many times all over the Internet. I tried many times to debunk the fake news they spread about me. My trolls are trying to get me banned more and more off all the websites like Discord, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter X, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, etc. I was already suspended many times off many websites on and off for many years or decades even. I need help from everybody or else before it is too late. YouTube already stole my over 10K+ videos, over 10K+ followers were stolen from me on Facebook, and the list goes on and on. My trolls are trying to get me falsely imprisoned or murdered as they doxed me and they are all trying to bring me down. 08:46 PM: Was given a timeout for saying hello, this is like when I almost went to prison at the 2014 Vietnam Circle K for saying hello.


2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

12:02 AM
Piers Morgan - "It's Had Its Time" | Nerdrotic And The Critical Drinker Discuss The Oscars

12:13 AM
You know television is dead when Piers Morgan has to interview Nerdrotic and Critical Thinker about Hollywood, The Oscars.

The Way Home 102-104

2024-03-12 - Tuesday - 03:12 AM - The Way Home 102-104

Alice in Wonderland book. Pond only works when it wants to. Guru. Buffy reference. Trump. Book deal. Mom travels in time. Boat. Cow birth. Movie. Secrets. Back to the future reference. School. Beach party. 2 lesbian moms. Britney Spears song from 1999, Baby One More Time. Internet from that time. AOL. Text.

12:04 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 3/12/24 • COLLAPSE OF BOEING - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

12:13 PM
RIP Boeing, made in China to save the planet by killing the planet because of the climate change scam. Boeing failed because globalists don't want people to travel in the future, they have to trick the world into fearing and hating travel. 12:41 PM: Hillary Clinton must be the president of Boeing, I mean how else do you explain this whistleblower magically becoming unalive?

01:12 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Tuesday 3/12/24 • News, Calls, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

01:40 PM
We can talk to animals like Dr. DoLittle but without saying a word said Alex Jones as our brains are like radios transmitting frequencies, others can connect to your sixth sense WIFI to sync up, the Internet is a cheap copy of this, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Trump, Elon Musk. 01:43 PM: I'm jealous of Alex Jones because he is a father and that is the one thing I'm not at the age of 39.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:02 AM
Piers Morgan - "It's Had Its Time" | Nerdrotic And The Critical Drinker Discuss The Oscars

12:50 AM
Piers Morgan Interviews Man Wrongly Jailed For 48 years For Murder

12:57 AM
[Jordan Peterson - The Attack on Faith, Family, & Science | Dr. Phil | EP 430

The Way Home 102-104

2024-03-12 - Tuesday - 03:12 AM - The Way Home 102-104

12:04 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Tuesday 3/12/24 • COLLAPSE OF BOEING - News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

01:12 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Tuesday 3/12/24 • News, Calls, Reports & Analysis • Infowars

02:02 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Tuesday 3/12/24 • MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE , News, Calls, Reports & Analysis

04:37 PM
ACLJ - LIVE COVERAGE: Special Counsel Robert Hur Grilled on Biden Classified Documents

05:01 PM
Jordan Peterson - I Spoke Before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee

05:14 PM
Biden CONFIRMED To Have Broken Law By GOP, DOJ REFUSES To Prosecute w/Curt Mills | Timcast IRL

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Bed around 05:40 AM. Up for a sec around 9, back to sleep. I got up at 11:30 AM. Had a weird Star Trek science fiction like dream which not sure if it was supposed to be real life or a show, not sure if I was in it or not cuz I felt like maybe I was in it. We were out in space. Something bad happened. Had to find a way home. There was a star map. A woman or somebody showed us several routes back home. The route was a seven shape with a sharp turn down. First we go right from the top left side of the map to the right side and then down to the bottom of the map. There were like 2 different routes like that. One was like a faster route. I forget how many routes but that was at least one or more. But the fastest was to go directly straight but it was dangerous as it was like unexplored space and we might run into stars and what weird aliens which we like stopped at a planet with William Shatner playing maybe an alien or playing Kirk. He sensed the timeline change as if he was the Whopi Goldberg alien that did that. He felt it change. The end. Breakfast, 12:04 PM. Mom feeling sick, resting. I worked on Hawaii Drive organizing which I do sometimes on and off since 2023. Been doing it a lot past few days. Delete duplicate files. Separate normal photos from scans. Fed birds. Dishes, 03:30 PM, RV, light rain, mail, compost, ground. Lunch, skipped. Dinner, 04:30 PM. Dishes, plants into house, around 07:30 PM. Food log: toasted plain bagel was delicious, 04:00 AM. Breakfast: coffee, orange, 12:04 PM. Lunch: skipped. Dinner: mom made me a big dinner salad with onions, plus I toasted myself some delicious garlic bread, 04:30 PM.